
Friday 5 July 2013

Call me prolific...once in 4 weeks....

Tomorrow is Crop Day, here in Ludgershall. 
I thought to torture you with proof that at least for one day of a month, I actually do what I type a lot about doing.
I'm not a scrapbooker of extraordinary talent, but I absolutely love doing it.  I love the social day of the Crop, I love finishing and working on bits and pieces at home surrounded by all my stuff, I love taking the photos, I love the recall of memories, all of it.  You know that I'm less enthusiastic about the packing and the choosing.. putting the pages together doesn't come as naturally as I'd like it to.  Obviously, the packing part isn't because of that.  That's because I've got too much stuff and need to take it all because I'm a little disorganised.  I know it's hard to believe, but in this very room on a Friday prior to Crop....believe me!

So here's a handful of LOs.  Some have hidden challenges, unfinished journaling, and some are waiting for trimming and albumising.  (Albumising..oh dear me, I just invented a new verb!)  
Take Jim's 40th birthday for example.  Set aside your shock that Jim is now 56, because really you wouldn't know it, and I need time, people!  Set aside my foolish reluctance to do a double page (I can't, Mummy, it's too hard) and concentrate on the word at the bottom.  The challenge from Mr D was to include one of the  - and I quote - 'arty, motivational words that you lot use'.  Well, no contest really, although I could easily have contrived the LO to include 'imagine' or 'dream' believe me.  Ha!  I win.  I must remember to show him!

This is a teeny page for the Prom Album that is a gift for the Mother of (one of those) Prom boy.  I use the word 'boy' advisedly.  And that's why the tag is blank. Apart from the Boy, I don't know who these people are and I can't really make up stuff now, can I?  Incidentally, scrapping other people's photos is fun.  No emotional attachment to them means you just get on with it.  Wham, bang done.  Thank you and goodbye.  Enjoyed it, I can tell ya!

This is a bad and blatant copy of a LO that I saw on Pinterest. If it's yours, let me know - I'd love to credit you because I'm going to be using the idea again and again, I love it.  I know the circles are really too large for the teeny photos, but I like it anyway.  And hey - it gets those particular four photos off the pile - I love them but really, they aren't much, huh!
And to prove that I'm able to talk even the most obstinate of rectangles into a round - 

So there we, stop distracting me will you - I have a lot of preparation and packing to do for tomorrow and I really should make a start.  I think I'll just get another coffee....
Have a marvellous weekend.


  1. How wonderful those layouts are! Enjoy the crop!

  2. Now that I have learnt what LO means following on from WOyWW. Yours are fab. XXX

  3. You know how to scrap with lots of variety - lovely bunch of pages. Those circles are very clever ... Glad to know I am not the only one who, despite best intentions, takes lots of stuff to a crop!

  4. Soar! Nice one!! How's about.....
    This is the claptrap that we have to trot out to our poor blooming year 6s.......

    You can imagine just how much I love doing that............


    Have fun at the crop tomorrow! Xx

  5. Soar ... brilliant ... the perfect 'arty' title. All your layouts are great and you are definitely prolific :) I know you will, but enjoy the crop tomorrow. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  6. Lovely, all of them.
    Have fun tomorrow :)

  7. I feel your pain with the packing schtuff for a crop Honey!! You should have seen me trying to pack for yours!
    Love those layouts!! Might borrow a few of those for meself!
    Have a great weekend.

  8. Well, Julia!! You totally have impressed us all.... or so says I, who has never scrapped in her life now one day I might too :D

    ...well done! particularly like the soar page, Shaz in Oz.x

  9. Great LOs! Fab that you do find time to scrap. Hugs

  10. Better late than never, tried by true. We can' t be good at everything and to go out and enjoy is what it is all about

    Monica minus a number

  11. Aah, love them all but I think the small prom one is my favourite... the echo of the material and colour of the girl's dress just does it for me!! Enjoy the crop... I have been known to take boxes of stuff and not do a thing... LOL

  12. Wonderful layouts! I have never done scrapbooking, perhaps I should start?? xx

  13. Gorgeous LOs - love the balloons and the prom ones best. BJ

  14. What a great post, but the thought of coffee on a boiling hot day like today isn't my idea of fun, even in a distracting sense... The layouts are fabulous. Hope you have fun tomorrow, I'm going to the show at Newbury. (spending money!)

  15. YOu are so funny! Now I have done my kitting for tomorrows class and it is packed and ready for me to go through one last time before I leave as I am sure to have left something is 10:15pm here and I am only just allowing myself on the net!

  16. What fun - sounds like a great time!


  17. After visiting several blogs I have FINALLY figure out what "LO" stands for. And I love yours. I always wished I was better at that type of stuff. I just started following WOYWW a few weeks ago. It's awesome. Thanks so much for hosting such an awesome meeting of creative and inspirational minds!!!
    FYI, I don't know much about doing phot layouts, and scrapping pages, but the one you used off Pinterest looks pretty darn good to me!! Have a great weekend. (((HUGS)))
    Kim #18 (I was #7 when I linked, but when I came back I was knocked down a few pegs.. not sure what happened there. I will definitely aim higher next week :D )

  18. I think you have the right idea about scrapbooking, saving your photos, doing something you enjoy and sharing fun times with friends.

  19. Never scrapped - well maybe once or twice I put photos in an album and did a bit of something on the same page - so am impressed with your LO's.
    Keep at it Julia.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. Such beautiful layouts
    Rosie x

  21. Lovely LOs Julia you have been very busy.
    Hugs Lynda B

  22. How lovely to see some of your pages dear woman! I think you should show us more because you obviously love it and we love to see x

  23. Albumising :D... I have a few of those LOs knocking about too; and my kids moan about the room they take up in the study. Maybe I'll do it today.

  24. Well here it is Tuesday and I came to see what you are up to. I missed your crop, I missed your layouts (and yes, I LOVE the circles), I missed YOU last week.

    It was a mad week in my part of the world. I had too much company, made too many trips to the airport, cleaned my yard like crazy, and missed being on the computer.

    Glad I could stop by and I'll see you tonight for WOYWW. What a difference a week makes.

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