
Wednesday 3 April 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 200

Read all about WOYWW here and the Anniversary ATC swap thingy - HERE

Meanwhile, there's a stunning return to form at my place.  The sewing hasn't been put away, the Smash stuff has been moved aside and the preps for Thursday's workshop have been ignored.  I'm on a deadline!

It's disappointing if you're one of our neat freaks I know, but please, I was in the middle of making a card.  Yep.  Just the one!  Apart from the stamp at right, I've used everything you can see here on the card...well, sort of. The flowers you can see are the discards - and yes, they will be going in the bin.  I do not have room to save or capacity to remember where I saved them for next time!  Trusty iPad on duty, I was listening to a play on Radio 4.  There'snot been much on recently, I may have to break down and buy something to listen to soon.  Oh lord, another lesson in downloading and the Cloud, I can feel it!

Share your working surface will ya?  We like to see what you're doing and what you've got.  And frankly, how much tidier and sensible you are than we. Me.
Put WOYWW in your post title, link it here and we'll trot round for a visit. And a rummage.


  1. Happy WOYWW Julia! I know you have now cleaned it up for your current project - but I saw that Smash stuff when I was on my spree last week and fell in love with it - can't wait to see what you do with it!

    I also love the card in the prior post and hope you will share it at Inspire Me Monday!

    Have a happy WOYWW week!

    Create With Joy

  2. I smiled by reading Julia:
    " I do not have room to save or capacity to remember where I saved them for next time!"

    that´s the main problems for mee too...
    so much ideas ..but I need a mangager for all the little remember this project places! LOL!

    your card with the washi and the little birdie is just amazing ...
    and wow you got a GREAT easteregg!

    Congrats on the 200 !!!

    Happy WOYWW!

    xxx Susi

  3. Wow Mrs. Dunnit do you realise you are two centuries old - WOYWW 200 how amazing is that!! and yo have survived an live to tell the tale .. what is more!!

    Mm can so relate to saving thanks and not know where to put them!

    .. and had to smile at how much one card does to room - same happens here but desk "Chez moi" today reasonably tidy post cleaning day again..
    ..well not long till anniversary will have to start thinking wont I??

    happy WOYWW 200, thanks for being such a star, Julia! Shaz in Oz.x #9

  4. Good morning Julia,
    Love your desk as it is.
    Nice color of stazon you have!
    Have a great Wednesday.

    Hugs Marleen #10

  5. Can't believe this is no. 200!
    Loving those Copics. You're working in about the same space I end up with. Pam x

  6. Hi Julia :)
    Happy 200th WOYWW!!! I'm having a great time playing along and I always love seeing what you and everyone else around the globe is up to!
    Thanks for stopping by to leave me a comment last week.
    Have a great week and I will be back to play along next week!
    Kait xx

  7. happy WOYWW,Julia! since i am definitely not one of the neat freaks, i am not disappointed. lots of interesting stuff to see in messy, i mean, busy desks. and i love the Easter egg you got!

  8. Hi Julia,

    How is your smashing going? Have you started doing anything in your journal yet?
    Your desk isn't messy at all my desk is a natural disaster so I chose to not take photos of it today lol, I just took photos of my messy shelves...
    Have a great week

  9. Is that your coaster with the 'will show knickers for chocolate' I love it.. I saw all your new smash stuff will look forward to seeing what you are going to do with it. Eggcelent Easter present to yourself. I got my new desk..
    Sandy :)

  10. knew i could count on you & co for some desk action - mine is sorely lacking...
    have a great WOYWW and a wonderful week :)
    can you believe it - WOYWW 200 ????
    no 2

  11. Hi Julia! Happy WOYWW!! Sorry that I missed last week, but back on board now :-). I actually love your messy desk lol, it means you are creating! I have to get some punches, I have a flower one but I want just a plain circle one, and a butterfly and a and a and a lol!! Now off to look at some desks...have a great week!

  12. I too love the card from the 29th's post. Love the 'stache! Happy WOYWW! Nan #19

  13. happy 200th WOYWW Julia...back to postage stamp crafting again I see and I'm intriqued by the little saying...All Show Knickers for Chocolate...hugs kath xxx

  14. Morning, Mrs D - up with the lark today, eh?! Pesky clock change! Anyway, have a great WOYWW and I look forward to seeing what you come up with, using all your goodies. Love from Worcester, Chris x

  15. Bin??.....I apologise in advance for the inky fingerprints I may leave as I scrabble through!

    Congratulations on the 200th, ATC's are a great way to use up scraps! :)
    As to something to listen to, I use free spotify....yes you do have a few adverts but tons of music and also itunes for podcasts (everything from 'Desert Island Discs' to 'Answer me This ' me, Google it!)

    Kyla #23

  16. I am always amazed at all the stuff that can get out on my desk AND how quickly it gets there. So totally understand about things going in the bin - it's quite freeing when I realized I didn't have to save every little thing. I mean who has the room? Happy 200th. That's a pretty good record if you ask me!!!

  17. Oops. Forgot to say I'm 29 this week.

  18. I can never be described as a neat freak so your desk looks pretty ok to me!! I mis-numbered my post today - I must have scrolled down my list too far to check back for last week's number!! Oh well... gives me an extra week to make my atc... not! Have a great day. Helen, 4

  19. Hi Julia
    Congratulations on 200 WOYWW! I am relatively new to this and I have so enjoyed visiting the desks of all your amazing and creative friends. Your desk looks creative and fun, I've not heard of Smash products before. I'll go and google!!!
    Lynda B #34

  20. Hi Julia
    Gosh I feel real important being part of #200 congrats to you for keeping this going.
    Now your desk, just how big and how heavy is this card you were making? That is a lot of stuff you have used on it
    Enjoy your WOYWW sunny day today
    Ria #33

  21. I'd like to recommend Radio 4 Extra for your listening pleasure. I'm totally addicted. There's definitely something for everyone.

    Happy anniversary,
    Love Rachel, #35

  22. Well, me deario, huge congrats on 200 not out!! Roll on the next double century :). Xxxxx

  23. Morning Julia, Wow number 200 congratulations!. I can feel a few people wincing at the thought of flowers and cut outs going in the bin, but I am with you on that one, I have the space, but if I kept everything you find you cant move for stuff. As soon as I got a glimpse of that coaster it made me smile:) Hugs Mo x

  24. Hi Julia you don't look 200! I sure feel it sometimes!! I do have a box on my desk for all those little bits that you've produced but didn't use- they may come in handy.....won't they???

  25. Hey, Julia! I'm not playing coz I'm working the next few days and won't be able to make flavorful visits, but I had to stop in and congratulate you on 200 WOYWWs!! I was hoping to see a photo of you with a big feather in your cap ~ you deserve one!!

    Mwah! Here's to 200 more!! Darnell

  26. You know I am improving on throwing things in the bin but I still have a way to go for it to have an affect on my "creative clutter"! I woke up to go to the bathroom for it is wee hour here. Sorry for briefness. Would those be some Copics on your desk? Have you been holding out on me darling? The color of the ink pad is dreamy. Well I must go bAck to sleep so I can wake on time to get the boys to school.

    Have a blessed day girlfriend!
    Belinda (37ish)

  27. Actually, it looks a bit tidier this week, lol! Then again, you only showed a bit of the whole desk....and where's the card?? Hiding it until it's received???

    Loved your Smash post!! Very inspiring for my new journal, so thank you!

  28. 200 is quite the accomplishment! What a nice community you have here. Love your mess!

  29. Happy 200 th !!!
    These I pads are great till we have to keep learning new stuff to get what we want .... Although I have it cracked now........ feed SIL and he sorts I pad as he works in IT

  30. Julia,

    A desk full of creative life and joys of being creative, good for you. Dont be afraid of icloud it is wonderful I use it all the time. I especially love my dropbox, a real life saver.

    Hop on over and check out the picture of yoda eating icecream.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza who blinked and the numbers jumped up to 41 LOL

  31. Wow! 200 mad Wednesdays - that's worth raising a glass too! Love the look of the action desk today. x Jo

  32. With the new Google + we now really have to put our numbers at the end of our comments as it is nearly impossible to find the blog link...I hate change! Guess it is inevitable though. Good on you to toss those flowers, I tend to keep them and never use them...

  33. I still can't reach my table - less things there as all the tiles are now firmly fixed on the bathroom wall. I haven't any projects to share on WOYWW 200 either because the weekend was spent shopping - towels for my new bathroom for me and wedding things for my niece. Thanks to everyone for visiting and commenting on my bathroom saga - & I'm enjoying myself checking out ideas for when I can finally get back to my table. Janet (2pDesigns)

  34. Chasing my tail for some reason today but I'm here...better late than never as they say. I am a bit of a neat freak but I do enjoy other folks creative messes :-)
    A x

  35. Your desk look fine to me. Mine is so messy that even I'm not showing it this week instead the dining room table. Francesca #41

  36. Congrats on the double century.

    Don't mention Cloud, I never know what I am doing with it, where it is or anything about it. This addled old brain won't cope.

    As for a neat freak, the name sounds the same but I can't say I live up to it. Would like to but ...

    Have a good week and thanks for bringing us all together.

    Neet xx6

  37. Great desk. Till yesterday pm mine was still neat and tidy after I'd put all away to use table for family Easter gathering. Three simple cards later - a mess. It's how I work.Always keep every little bit- feel I should - but think am going to follow your lead. Can never find the bits anyway!!!! Happy 200th WOYWW !!! Anne x # 51

  38. Morning Julia! Lovely shot of the desk. I use old printouts for scrap too- but I do save my flowers, and then find I still haven't got the right colour. Happy 200th, have a great week, Shaz #53

  39. I am glad at least someone can throw things in the bin! I have saved every flower I have made but never used them - I think I will have to start throwing things away as there is no more room! I like your desk shot today - a bit of a close up so I can see better he, he :-)
    Lots of hugs,

  40. Haven't played along for a while so it seemed time to do so again! Thanks for sharing your desk with us. My desk is usually very tidy but today it's a messy one!

  41. I have given up on saving little bits and pieces, if its not big it goes in the bin, after moving house and finding all these little bits, its just not cool lol
    Bridget #47

  42. Try as I may I just can't get that messy and stay that messy. So where's the card you made then, was looking forward to that??? I met Helen of the floor department last night at her craft club - cool or what? Have a super day BJ#61

  43. Can hardly believe we're coming up to the 4th anniversary, I need to get a move on with my atc's... so to your desk.. those punches, are they the emboss ones?? and if so what are they like, any good or not really?
    Have a fab rest of week xo
    Minxy #60

  44. I so understand your problem of not remembering what you have and where you've put it - being a 'neat freak' I have a folder of supplies - a sample from every rubber stamp, hole punch, die, emboss folder I have etc etc (even ribbon samples, ink pads, emboss powders and paints!) Possibly a little OCD but I use it all the time!

  45. I actually tidied my desk over Easter - amazing! Wouldn;t know it from my photo today tho! Made me laugh to see even the wax paper off your double sided still on your desk - much more my style loL!!

    Happy woyww

    debs #60 (ish)

  46. Morning Julia, are we going to see the finished card as well? Hope your Wednesday's a happy one :)

  47. We have a box crammed full of die cuts and so on that we've saved from other projects. Do we use them on other projects? Of course not, we cut more!!!

  48. What a productive looking desk Julia! Love the blue stazon color (I think I only have black and white!!). I love your Copic collection, I am new to them and have about 10. Can't wait to see the card you made!
    Happy WOYWW! Winnie#70

  49. Still no propper work area yet ....didnt want to waste the tiny glimmer of creativity on tidying the mess ....and it is the biggest ever.Instead I grabbed a corner of the table down stairs while no one was looking....and made a small mess.What is it about some of use ,that we cant keep tidy lol xx

  50. Will show knickers for chocolate hey - Me Too!! Have a great week Julia. MMx #73

  51. hey! hey! isn't it marvellous to be busy!
    Husband was bragging how he'd tidied his desk and I told him - no work!! tut tut. Tidy desk means you ain't doin' nuttin'

    Have a great day!
    Bishopsmate #74

  52. Hi Julia
    ahhh your work space is like mine. I too have no room for storing stuff and if I do I usually forget where it is anyway. My second week at WOYWWW this week. I hope to get to a few more desks this week for a look

  53. Yep, your desk looks like you are busy - being there or elsewhere... I'm learning to appreciate busy/messy desks more and more lately, hooray! Happy woyww, Marit #77

  54. I love those darling little flowers - the look like they have an embosser to make them more flowery shaped too - lovely. Enjoy the busy-ness my dear :-)

  55. Hi Julia
    I LOVE that shade of Stazon,,,need some:)

  56. WOYWW 200 - congratulations and happy anniversary of the first you did! It's a good fun idea, which I have looked at for months before plucking up the courage to join you. Thanks for the opportunity you are giving to folk. Love your workdesk - mine frequently looks like much to do, so little time to do it.
    Have a great day tomorrow.

  57. I do love the little flowers. They are so cute!

  58. hi Julia, looks like a busy desk you have. I'm pleased that you throw away some bits and pieces, it's way too tempting to keep everything and then you can't find it to use anyway!! Happy Woyww and thanks for sharing. Liz at 82

  59. Lots of craftiness on your desk this week, Julia. I can see some very posh pens lurking in the background and I love that coaster!!!
    I have to save the flowers, I'm afraid, can't throw anything away.
    Congrats on the 200th week.
    Happy WOYWW
    hugs Lisax #83

  60. wasn't sure if I'd make this week glad I have congrats reaching the 200th week WOW! ,as usual a busy desk good luck with the download and many thanks for being a fantastic host it's the highlight of my blogging week Andrea x #84

  61. Congratulations on 200 WOYWW's x
    LOVE all the busy production on your desk and hoping you have a lovely week. Heather #71

  62. Have you ever listened to the BBS radio sit com Cabin Pressure? It is so funny, I LOL for real (and it's not just because I have an obsession with Bennidect Cumberbach either!) Have a great week!
    Lindsay #86

  63. Hi Julia
    Your desk looks very interesting today.
    Have a great Wednesday
    Rosie x

  64. As much as that desk isn't me, I know it's so, so that makes it all right.... and if it's messy then you're creating and no one can argue with that!


  65. I'm one of those neat crafters, but my desk is looking more and more like this each week :)

  66. Happy 200th. I totally understand about keeping mishaps. So I throw a lot of things out if I don't use them. #92

  67. Well, Julia, I'd love to prove how much tidier I am but it's simply not possible ... the evidence proving I'm a messy crafter is out there for all to see :) I like to listen to recorded books when I'm working away ... my way of multi-tasking :) Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x (a very late) #95

  68. Hi Julia! Your desk looks tidy enough for me! Trust me after seeing my own mess yesterday which I conveniently forgot to take a pic of lol nothing could be messy. Looks like you finally figured out it was a good idea to hide your button jar from me..hoping to catch a glimpse of it next week ;) xoxo hugs

  69. Love the punches and that color of stazon ink. YUM! lol!
    Happy 200th! woot~woot! Awesome desk. I keep all my punched pieces in a box to use in junk journals. Even my unused pieces of paper that have only small sections left get punched and tossed in the box for junk journals. I can't tell you how many junk journals I must have help get started too. LOL! Happy Wednesday! SueC#94

  70. Hi Julia and Congrats on your
    2ooth WOYWW. Know what you mean about saving things.. I have too many paper and card off cuts and bits'n'bobs which mostly get over looked and just taking up precious space. About 18 months ago I was on crutches after falling over my stash that had somehow spilled onto taking over the floor - will I ever learn LOL... Have a great day.. Gill x

  71. Thank you for your visit today, Julia and well done for getting to 200, a brilliant achievement. Glad you liked the card. I am going to have another go at that technique with a better quality of embossing powder to see if I can do it again and improve it a little. If you are throwing those reject flowers away, put them into a box to give to children or schools. Having thrown away stacks of mini strips of card and paper, I have just been told off by my daughter who says our granddaughter loves strips of paper and card and does all sorts of great stuff with them. I now have a box next to the guillotine for the tiny strips when I am tidying up toppers and mats. Have a good week sorting out all you different projects. xx Maggie #16

  72. A sudden idea came to the surface - it was inside me for some time -

  73. I always like your busy desk! I also am loving your pens! ooh and Happy 200th! Thank you for giving us so much fun and inspiration - both of which we get when joining in WOYWW! xx

  74. Nice to see you in action!
    Have a great WOYWW!

  75. Happy Wednesday everyone, looking forward to visiting you all later.


  76. Lovely colourful productive desk.
    Famfa 88

  77. Tis no good.....I have to make a confession......I have Copic Envy!
    There. I have done it!

  78. Hi Julia,
    congrats on hosting your 200th WOYWW and thanks so much for doing so.
    The pens on your desk make my mouth water. I am one of those neat freaks you mention but i would love to be messy so dont worry im not tutting.

    have a great week
    Gill x

  79. Thanks so much for this inspiring column! I love sharing my work and linking with others! xo

  80. Love your desk each week, so much to see.
    I used to listen to Radio 4 all the time now I usually have Radio 2 on but I think I'll treat myself to a play one of these afternoons.

    Take care

    Jakix 107

  81. Hmm, I don't have the capacity to remember where I saved what to, yet it has never occurred to me not to save things...
    a lose wire somewhere maybe?! :)
    Laura 108

  82. congratulations you created a lovable monster. The highlight of my week. Your desk is fabulous and I love your attitude to throwing stuff out. You could put it all in a bag as a giveaway mixed bag at a class. off to have fun visiting everyone I can.

  83. Thank you so much for hosting us. I can't wait to get started looking at everyone's work desk.

    God bless all!

  84. It looks all cosy there with your ipad and being surrounded by those goodies! Fabulous flowers!

  85. Good morning Julia! Love all the stuff going on with your desk. I'd go nuts LOL but everyone works differently. Hope you have a creative week and meet your deadline!
    Kelly #103

  86. So excited to join in this week! It already feels like home! xo

  87. no neat freaks here - did manage to find 12 x 12 space on my desk for working on, but it wont last long!!!

  88. It's Wednesday!! CRUD!!
    Complete panic!!
    I thought it was Tuesday.
    Getting a very late start.

    Hope you get a chance to check out my desk.
    Lori #116

  89. I love how your desk looks! Creative!
    (I had a problem posting my link... I KNOW I was on the proper post when I started but ended up on week 199 - how, I don't know.)
    Carol N #117?

  90. I didn't play along today Julia - but wanted to say well done on reaching the magic 200!! Happy WOYWW! Hugs, Di xx

  91. Hello!

    That is going to be a great card! Wishing you a happy day today!


    Barbara Diane

  92. happy 200th WOYWW Julia! I know what you mean about saving things, I always think I'll use this for something else then it gets ignored for well done you for being ruthless!

    Lauren x

  93. I really should take a leaf from your book Julia. I have endless plastic containers, in all shapes and sizes, full of leftover bits and bobs that will (probably) never get used. But you never know!

  94. I love a messy desk, it means someone is making great things!
    Have fun at your workshop!

  95. Julia, your desk is the desk of a busy lady....I think it is a wonderful desk! I forgot to take a photo before I cleaned up, so mine looks tidy, which it wasn't an hour earlier. I'm with you on saving bits. I have saved them, but never actually used them. So now it's bin time, or they go to my granddaughter. I'm sure her mum really appreciates that!

  96. I am join the party :)
    Don't have oportunity to bye this wondreful thing to make my crafts, but I am worikng whit this I have.
    I admire your work

  97. Hope this answers most of the table questions!
    thanks for visiting and I hope to come hang out at your place soon!
    Robyn 126

  98. This was what my table looked like before I cleaned it off to get a pix of the light box!

  99. Hi Julia, I am a newbie, just 3 weeks in and I want to thank you for hosting this amazing blog. I love your desk, it feels like home! LOL. Have a fabulous week! Cathryn 128

  100. Never trust a thin chef or a tidy crafter - there's nothing wrong with a bit of a crafty untidiness! Hugs, Keren

  101. A messy desk, is a busy woman. Love the colors you've been working with, doing a Wedding card later with the same and a little black.
    Enjoy WOYWW and have a fun week. #114

  102. Your messy desk looks good to me, especially since my studio is one big mess again. I have several projects going at once, but that is what makes it fun!

  103. Oh gawd late to link then I linked twice ... well one and a bit! Sorry Julia. Congratualtions on reaching 200!
    Sue x (MiniOwner@132)

  104. Hi Julia, lots of wonderful things to look at on your desk this week :-). Love the idea of the punched flowers and then using them as a mask, I do that with my dies but never though of my punches lol. I can see your a copic girl (eek I think there copics lol), I'm a promarker girl, I have the whole collection, problem is it takes time to find a good blend where as copics seem to make it easy by what others say lol. Sorry I'm waffling. Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

  105. Hi Julia, Happy WOYWW, I spy some lovely pens on your desk and love the punch, busy and productive

    K x x

  106. Linking up my brand new workdesk this week - all moved in and ready to start creating again :)

    Thanks for hosting!

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  107. LOL-- Love the WOYWW idea and jumped in! I'm new to the crafty blog scene and would love some feedback and am bookmarking your site!!! Great fun and ideas here!!! Be blessed!


  108. Julia, I love your mad, gorgeous, wild creativity today! And I still just LOVE that you got a Smash book!!! Happy 200th WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #98

  109. Hi julia happy 200th.... where does the time go eh!
    love the pen storage.... and the mess.

  110. I'm coming a little late to the party, but I made it. Hope you like my spring pics. Barb 148

  111. Apologies Miss, I did not make it today. My excuse? Problems with the Building Inspector and our new extension, delays, buying new fixtures and fittings etc., etc., all on one day - today! Sorry! Will be back next week for sure. Hugs, Anne x

  112. Sorry, meant to say congrats on the 200 milestone! Been a traumatic day...A x

  113. Isn't it crazy how much chaos can be made for one simple project?! I just love looking at your desk's been a while since I've visited - so inspiring!

  114. That is my sort of tidy! The flower thing, I do that all the time - save them for next time then don't remember where (or if) I have them. I start little pots of bits, that grow, then multiply!

    Cazzy x

  115. we are all getting pretty creative in how we photograph our workspace. so often it's the same space as the week before just a different angle. it's fun to see what everyone is doing and the materials they use. even how others store and organize. thanks julia for continuing to host the blog hop.

  116. I agree with Karen H..never trust a tidy crafter!! Wow! I love the tiny flower punch and all your lucious tools! The paper and glue must have been flying around your desk as you created! Congratulations on your 200th!
    thanks for sharing and hosting us.

  117. Happy Wednesday! Your desk looks pretty neat to me! :)

  118. Whew...I almost forgot to post my WOYWW!! Crazy busy day...but as soon as I finish up the chores I need to do tonight, I'll be back to check out some links!

  119. It’s good to see you getting back to your old ways Julia, I worry when things are too tidy. Congratulations and reaching the 200th blog post……..who’d have ever thought that a little bit of nosiness could go such a long way!
    Have a great week and ………..
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @72

  120. Hello lovely Julia,

    I'd say your desk looks very creative! I like that flower punch and all those pens! Now, does that little sign say "I'll show knickers for chocolate?"


  121. For someone who has so much going on I'd say your desk was rather tidy.
    Woyww #154

  122. Proper late Julia, but congratulations on the 200th week.
    You are a star giving so much of your time and energy to everyone.
    Dont work to hard.
    Lynn x


Your contribution is a valuable thing - thanks for taking the time!