
Monday 8 April 2013

The (non) mystery of the white squares...

Now, unsurprising confession: I don't chuck the hoover around the house every single day.  Why?  Are we all pristine and careful chez Dunnit?  No.  Are we all sharing the chores to the extent that I get a couple days off a week? Ha! No.  It's more straightforward than that.  I can't be bothered.  
I thought you'd like to see the losing battle.  There is nothing, I say nothing, that travels through my house like the little squares of glasseine paper off the foam pads.  I have no idea why or how the static gets them, after all, I peel them off and (I think) chuck 'em in my handy desk bin for later - much later - decanting into the recycling paper bin.  
So how come I find them...
 In the lounge?

 On the kitchen floor?
  On my unmade bed?

 On the bath mat?

They were all there this morning when I did my base chores...I noticed the one in the bathroom last night and dismissed it as a result of unpacking after a day at a Crop.  But in my bed?  Why didn't I notice it when I threw the covers back to get into it last night rather than this morning after an airing....argh.  I suspect that they are sticking to my body - lets be honest here - they turn up in my bra sometimes, so no surprise that they turn up in the bathroom really.  But the rest of the house?  I dunno.  If you visit and see the little white squares, think not of my slovenly housework attitude, but rather the message that they bear around the house.  A crafter lives here.


  1. SNAP!!! Same here Julia :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  2. And here too..... I probably chuck the hoover round even less than you do (no, wait that sounds so rude) I found one trodden all the way downstairs the other day (I have to come straight upstairs to my maisonette)

  3. Oh Julia, you make me smile!

  4. Oh my, that could have been ME writing that! I find them all over my house too!!!!! I've even found one stuck on the dog's nose!!!! Should have taken a pic.Would have made for a cute scrapbook page!!!!!


    BTW, we both have the same blog template!!! Cool!!!

  5. Oh yes, mine seem to love the bathroom!!

  6. Ha Ha! I can relate to this Julia, my DH is quite used to the paper trail around the house now. Hugs Mo x

  7. I so have the same problematic my house !!!!!!!!

  8. he he! i totally relate to this but, in my house you might guess that i find ..... buttons everywhere,

  9. Lol great post, so funny. I tend to have the backing off red kier tape everywhere in every room lol. Tracy x

  10. This post made me laugh so much! Like you I often cannot be bothered to hoover either..however I have no not so mysterious squares...

    Lauren x

  11. Vacuuming? what's that? Mine hardly ever gets to see the light of day until like yesterday, I got fed up walking on bits everywhere so sighed and got the flipping thing out for a bit of a go.....that will be fine until next week!

  12. Me too, Julia! And I have a love/hate relationship with the hoover so can't see the reason to give myself too much grief getting it out :) Elizabeth xx

  13. They are found everywhere here too!!! Bathroom, lounge, kitchen, on me, on the cat, you name it and it's been found there!!! Karen x

  14. Blame the cat.
    Vacuums, never use too much it scares the cat and I get tired so quickly, looking at it brings on chronic fatigue syndrome.

  15. Lol lol yep it's so true, I find them everywhere as well, once my kids find one on their uniform, that could be because I iron in my craft room lol. You can guarantee I always find them after I hoovered, you put the hoover away, turn around and the white square is there, I'm sure they follow me around as it wasn't there when I hoovered lol. Kezzy xxx

  16. I think they stick to the bottom of my socks and fall off when they feel like it. :)

  17. What a cute post...and I have the same problems...My husband tells me that we have these little paper trails all the matter how often I sweep. and Yes, I find them in pockets...sticking to my shoes...etc. etc. we won't talk about the glitter on my face, etc.

  18. And here, too! I have to say that the last photo gave my head a cock, however. That looks like a close-up of a microscope view of some interesting scientific what'sit that needs researching!

    From said lab we'd hear: "What ho? And what is this strange white glassine square doing in the middle of our research project on gradiated pnuemonical bacteria?! Call the presses, alert the media!"

    LOL, Julia, LOL!!

  19. Some peeps talk about having white feathers follow them round...they say they are messages from their angels...I wonder what kind of angel you have? A crafty one, that's for sure! PS: I have moved to Click n Sticks for this very reason!

  20. You should get a sticker with those words on, classic!

    I too am not hot on hoovering too often. My excuse is that we dont want to hoover up the good dirt with the bad dirt or we will catch more diseases.

    Gill x

  21. My husband regularly takes them to work with him! not a good look on a building site!! Have a good one! xx

  22. I'm with you on this one sister! I find those little bits everywhere. I have a new puppy and she came to me with one on her nose! Also she found a checker from a kids set. That set is long gone and I can't tell you how many years ago that was. I'm still stumped as to where she found that one!

  23. I have the same with thread.... I put it in the thread catcher and I am super tidy (ask Linda who I am sure thinks I have really bad OCD) and yet somehow a thread escapes - even though I have a good look before leaving the craft room and appears somewhere random....


  24. Too funny! I have the same - they've even made an appearance in my office at work 10 miles away!

  25. Ditto. They stick to my socks.

    I also have one little pearl drop sitting on the shelf in my wardrobe. I have no idea how that got there but I've left it, seems a bit unsporting to remove it after it must have made such a lot of effort.

  26. Snap! Only mine are hexagonal. I also have this problem with the red liner from extra strong DST. It's full of static!

  27. Lol! I was just sat in Silvercrafters house, looked down and saw a length of Happy Birthday paper I had trimmed off a card, stuck to the inside of my long cardigan. That made all of us smile.
    Hugs, Shaz

  28. Same here! Absolutely everywhere round the house. What I want to know is how they end up in Alex's bed when I never let him play with them!

  29. Julia - I love it!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  30. You wouldn't believe how far those little squares will travel if you have two cats... it must be the static or something but I find them in the weirdest places!!

  31. Oh i have kitties that play with them, especially the strips off of score tape!

  32. hahahaha...I find them all over too...yep, even in my bra too!

  33. LOL in your bra now that would be a first for me, will have to be on the look out for these tricky little squares..
    Sandy :)

  34. It's even worse when it's great long strips off the back of DST. What's my excuse for that? :)

  35. This is hysterical, as those little pieces migrate all over my house too! They stick to my clothes, and I travel around dropping them also. I had one on my bathmat this week too, so I am still chuckling over your pic! I am thinking it is a "sign" of a crafter in the home!

  36. Too funny, for me it's glitter. It turns up everywhere, including embedded into the steering wheel of my husband's truck.


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