
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Controversial Smiles

I'm sharing this with Annie's Share A Smile feature, because I just can't resist! 
I know this limited edition has been in the shops and probably gone by now, but I've only just opened mine.  As the only Marmite eater in the house, it takes a while to get through a pot! 
I don't know if you can tell well enough but it really does have a lovely gold sheen to it....and I don't know what it is, but I think it's reminiscent of the lovely pearl finish we crafters achieve with Mica based products! 
It's been ages since I had a new jar of Marmite so I don't know if this is a new 'recipe' or just the inclusion of the 'gold', but this Marmite is infinitely more spreadable too. And yeah, that's a thin slice of tiger bread...which can only add to my smile!


  1. YUM, YUM, YUM I am smiling too!

  2. Marmite!!!!!!!!!!! I've gone right off you now Julia.

  3. Bleeeuuuurrrgggghhhhhhhh..........


  4. Love your smile - I enjoy Marmite too, but as they only did the Gold edition in large pots (well larger than I buy) I wouldn't get one - it takes me longer than the use by dates on the baby pot,as I don't have it often!
    I bet you keep it too, once it's eventually empty!!

  5. Mmmmmmm and on Tiger bread too, double yummy.

  6. Oh no Julia! I don't like Marmite, but then I have never tried it either... my dear DIL loves it though and would love a jar like that, must keep and eye out now. Like Tiger bread though..... Hugs, Anne x

  7. A couple of years ago, I had an Australian bloggy friend send me some to try. I will pretty much try anything once, lol! Definitely not to my taste, but at least I can say I tried it! Enjoy yours!

  8. Ooooooh yes, double yummy indeed! We have a 'gold' jar here next in line to be opened - clever marketing by Marmite! Hugs, Di xx

  9. Mmm Marmite, not had that in years, am going to add it to my shopping list now.
    C xx

  10. Love Marmite - need that jar.
    Will have to search the shelves to see if there are any left.

  11. Love Marmite but I'm the only one who eats it in this family. Not that I've tried it on Bonnie ... I'm assuming she doesn't like it :) I like the idea of if spreading more easily - will have to check out the supermarkets for that gorgeous gold jar. Elizabeth xx

  12. I love Marmite and have used it all my life. Apart from going on toast, I use it in stews, or to flavour gravy and a few other things. Haven't seen the gold one though. Must check that out. Does it taste any different? xx Maggie

  13. I've no idea how Marmite tastes, but it sure *looks* gorgeous and yum! It would be so gorgeous as a pendant, all richy brown and gold sparkly...hey, if you really loved Marmite and could make a lick-able pendant out of it, wouldn't that be cool? Then if you had a little craving you could just lick your pendant! lol :)

  14. Ooo yummy - I am smiling now! x Jo

  15. I love Marmite but I didn't see the gold pot...I do have a Queen's Diamond Jubilee one with the Union flag on the label.

    At the moment I'm using up the little sample pots I got with my Christmas prezzie of Marmite mug & egg-cups.

    Toni xx

  16. They say you either love it or hate it and I love it :-)
    ....and so do the twins. They have it on toast for their breakfasts :-)
    Thanks for joining in and making me smile.
    A x

  17. You either love it or hate it and I love it. I can see this jar having some sort of face lift once it is finished

  18. Did you buy a jar of Ma'amite for the Jubilee? I always look out for the special limited editions. The've had a champagne one for Valentines and a Guiness one for St Patrick's Day. What next?
    Jo x

  19. Ha! Forgot to say, and I know you'll be with me here Julia, Marmite was the only bit of personal 'tuck' for teatime at school to last a whole term. Jam went off but lovely Marmite lasted and you didn't need a load of it. Love it to this day - ever tried a Marmite and sliced banana toastie? Len's fave but I stick wiv me Marmite as it comes outta the jar :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  20. Mmm, marmite and banana? not sure I would like that. I think I will stick to cheese and marmite whirls, if you are feeling domestic you could make some ... they are very easy and as you know very yummy.

  21. Yum!!! I'm the marmite eater in our house too - can't remember the last time I had a new jar so it's a good job it doesn't go off too quickly!!

  22. Makes me smile too. I love Marmite but we don't get anything as posh as gold ones out here. I'm just grateful that I can get it at all. I'm quite fond of the marmalade I make too, but as I am diabetic, it is Marmite on my morning toast these days. Kate x

  23. Now that is some blinged up toast, only a crafter can appreciate! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  24. I'm afraid I'm a Bovril girl Julia!
    I know whilst I'm here in the land of Oz it should be Vegemite but Bovril holds a special place in my heart ;D
    But I do love that jar! It looks a pot of gold!
    Enjoy the day :D
    Neesie ♥

  25. ah gold toothy smile Julia indeed can only agree - but eat Vegemite over here and they better not tamper with the one and only recipe for Aussies.. :D Shaz in oz.x

  26. Have no idea what it tastes like as it is not available here in the Philippines. But it looks wonderful! :^) patsy

  27. Lovely Post, now I will have to google Maramite!

  28. Hmmm yummy, I might even like that one!

  29. Hmmm Marmite and Tiger bread-not sure what you are eating, but it looks yummy!

  30. Mmmmn! Save me some please! I shot myself in the foot by telling Hubby NOT to buy me anything but "proper" marmite i.e. unadulterated, after he bought me a flavoured one and I hated it! So he didn't buy me the gold one!

  31. Something I've never eaten and ....have heard that it is ... uhm.... an acquired taste....

  32. ive never heard of the gold version before but none of us like it so i only have a small jar just for my chickens. It has a lovely looking shimmer to it though i must admit

    Gill x

  33. Julia, You are a crafter through and through..MICA in Marmite..Love it.
    Nelle xx

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