
Thursday 26 July 2012

Crisis averted!

Remember this life changing storage board for my cut'n'dry foam pieces? Well, I was away on an unplanned holiday - really, it was..ask my Father, he sprang the idea as a form of emotional blackmail to 'help him recuperate'. Hard to say no!
Oh, sorry huge digression.
So there sat my lovely new sponge board, proud and useful on my desk, patiently waiting for me to come back and be gloatingly arty. It got me back. Well, not the lovely inexpensive board of course, after all, what can go wrong with a piece of carefully annotated chipboard? No gentle reader, it was the the most important element known to mankind. The sun. It shone and bathed my desk in unusual light and warmth. And the warmth done gone made the sticky velcro pads unsticky. Slidey, if you like. Actually, that's the best and most accurate definition. Slidey. Indeed, when I finally got to my desk on Monday to do real work, I picked up the old (but new) sponge board to stow it elsewhere and every damn sponge slid clean off its fixing. Argh, I don't mind telling you.
But you know how laid back and cool I
am in any crisis. You couldn't tell whether I was laughing or whining a chain of expletives, honestly. Because you weren't there. So I glued the velcro dots back onto the card. With proper undiluted rage. Wait, no. Proper undiluted PVA. And as you can see, all is right with the sponge board. And therefore, the crisis is a 'never was'. Just as well huh, or this would've been another whiney post.
Have a lovely weekend.


  1. Oh dear! I hate when things like that happen but luckily you restored it. :)

  2. Glad you salvaged it Julia.
    C xx

  3. Well done for saving it - i still think it is a cool idea - and you can;t go wrong with a blob of pva! jenx

  4. Well done for keeping your cool (not) in a CRISIS!

    Damn that sun!!!! LOL! xxx

  5. naughty sun, how could it spoil your wonderful storage. I will have to bear that in mind if I ever get it done this weekend... hears hoping

  6. Glad you were able to save the day.

    Toni xx

  7. great save the day!!! The sun has so much power!

  8. And here was me thinking these things only happen to me!

    Glad you got the problem solved!

  9. You, rage, Julia, surely not! Can't think what the sun was doing there anyway, there's been precious little evidence of it here recently ... and you didn't need it, you were away sunning yourself in distant parts :)) Seriously, who would have thought the velcro's glue would have turned 'slidey'. Happily you've rescued the situation and your board looks great. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  10. you always come through!!!! have a super amazing weekend!!!

  11. I'm still not sure I "get" those sponges and their purpose, but I DO "get" how sunlight and heat melt even the best glue. Been there, seen that! Glad you fixed yours with only tiny bits of whining (grin).

  12. Still, what a pain in the arse! Here you've been waiting for the sun for all these weeks and when it finally shines ... oy! Good for you for putting it to rights with your great sense of humor!!

  13. thanks for the laughs, Julia! laid back and cool in any crisis? of course! who isn't! LOL!

  14. Ah, I had the same issue with my blending tools, the pads would not stick - solution - darn big and fierce stapling tool! Glad you sorted yours out too, but if they come away again, try the stapling technique - lol. A x

  15. What a fine recovery! Have a fabulous weekend xx

  16. Oh dear! Slidey I think that describes it perfectly cos I know what you mean. I've had to have my blind down nearly all week to protect the desk and craft stash. Take care. Zo xx

  17. That slidey thing is what happened to more than a few of my unmounted stamps on ez-cling!! While in my binders!! Not in direct sun..just humid heat! Quite the sticky mess!
    Have a great weekend!

  18. problem? what problem? I don't see one!

  19. Julia here in the Texas hill country where the sun shines plenty and really in all south Texas we have to use a special glue to prevent the sun and heat melting everything. Happened in my car with all my little Velcro dots and the floor was littered with all the former pinned up goodies. It is called heavy duty Velcro. I would send you some but by the time I find it the English summer will have departed and you will be left wondering "what nut sent me this"

  20. I'm still in awe that you have the patience to do this thing with the board and the bits of velcro and foam, I would have immediately been distracted into making the whole darned thing into an art collage... please do keep us posted on the degree to which this new tool has forever changed your life...where does the board hang for instance?


  21. Well done for being a good daughter AND sorting out your problem when you were back home. I had a WOYWW entry ready and was SO ready to participate this time - but - as you can see picked the wrong day. BUMMER - but you might want to see it anyway. =0) Have a nice Sunday.

  22. Lol! I am reading this on my phone, so a small right colour....I thought it was called slutty concord! :-)


  23. glory be - you came good in the end. In fact, it turned out rather like, erm, a scooby doo movie. If it wasn't for that pesky sun... but you show'd em Julia - no one gets the better of you. You put it right so all's well that ends well...

    Paula x x x

  24. Oh My! They all slid off. Wow well I will keep this in mine on what not to do. I must say I love seeing your letter "A" I do need to get it done I just need the letter G for my last name.

  25. Okay, people are looking at me strangely because I'm laughing at work! Your commentary totally busted me up. Glad the non-crisis was avenged, er, averted :-)

  26. Hello!

    Not a good surprise! Happy to see that you were able to save your work! Looking forward to WOWW post to see what you have created! Wishing you a happy day!


    Barbara Diane

  27. I am sorry all I can do is laugh at your post, glad it all worked out in the end....


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