
Wednesday 4 April 2012

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 148

I did it clean it and tidy it.  And now it looks like this again.  Really, even I don't know how I do it!  I'm working on 'bumpy cards' in a feverish and late state.  And naturally, because they're late, I'm finding them difficult.  The envelopes propped on the ipad's deckchair are badges waiting for despatch.  The button jar has a new ingredient - a fab tag by Kezzy, which I'm enjoying; I probably should find it a proper home...the button jar is very inappropriate really!  You can make out the gessoed 'A' on top of the see through drawers?  A partner to the 'P' you could see last week.  Therefore still unfinished, but hey, obviously they've been moved in a week! Stripey diary, habndle of ATG gun and altered book in progress.  Behind with that now.  Although I do know that I prefer PVA to glue pages together.  Colour me sticky, I thought I hated wet glue! The yellow and pink boxes are alphabets by Penny Black in really wonderful handwriting style fonts.  Maybe I'll show you some day.  I see two other alpha stamp sets on my desk too.  I made two very quick monthly calendar pages on Saturday,  they are remnants from that.  I may put them away soon.  

So.  How goes it for your working surface?  Show and tell, why not indeed.  I failed in a big epic way to get to more than a handful of desks last week, but things have improved this week, so I'll see ya.  If you upload a pic to your blog and link it here, of course.  If you don't, we'll never know!  Put WOYWW in your title and when you visit, tell people what your list link number is.  It helps.  


  1. ha ha you are claimimg the same as me.... I did tidy and then it got messed up again! Love to see a creative desk x

  2. Love seeing your desk and goodies! Have a fabulous week dear Julia!

    Ramona - #4
    Create With Joy

  3. Blimey - No 7?? That's the highest I've ever been! And all cos I've been pootling around on the computer for far too late into the night :)
    Desk is lookin' good!
    Hugs, LLJ #7 xx

  4. Good morning, Julia. I am so glad to know that despite your tidy up, you have almost as much stuff on your desk as I do today. Mine was tidy on Monday - for ten minutes. Have a good week. xx Maggie #7 ish

  5. Your desk looks nice and colourful this week Julia. Just right for Easter. Have a lovely one.
    Lynn :-)

  6. oooh - that's a different angle...the wide shot and a flash of the 'Dining Lounge!' I saw that perky tag straight away - peeking out! And order? It's all perspective and there is no absolute truth so...looking good from here. Wishing you a good week and oodles of Bargain fuel...could be time to drain the chip pan and go BIO!

  7. Lovely creative desk Julia, lots of goodies, Have a great week and happy Easter, Hugs May x x x

  8. Opps, clicked before I finished!!! Always going half cocked !!! Desk look good and I like the angle
    Love and light

  9. Lovely busyness on your desk this week. I wish mine were so crafty. Alas it is not. All technology. When oh when will my life get back to normal?

    Bring your goodies to the crop to share, cause RL is better than a photo!


  10. I'm anxious to see your altered book and how well you like that "wet" glue. It's OK to be behind. The class isn't a race.

    I like Kezzy's tag, after I found it, of course. Golly, I am not nearly as long winded as you this week (grin). And yes, I read EVERY word, some of them twice!

  11. I love that little stripey deck chair you have the envies balanced in!! I think I need that roll of bubble wrap... I hate packing!! :(

  12. Hmmm See another one has been tidying! I DID do mine after doing those heart shaped boxes....sadly it didn't last long though! lol

    Take care and Happy WOYWW

    Jackie x

  13. Hmmm See another one has been tidying! I DID do mine after doing those heart shaped boxes....sadly it didn't last long though! lol

    Take care and Happy WOYWW

    Jackie x

  14. Very Creative busy desk this week .Lots going on.Just read previous post re feul shortage .oh well youll like my piccy of the dreaded man...lo0l goverment
    hugs judex16

  15. Tidy desks never last long Julia - thank goodness! Mine is waaaay too tidy right now, purely because I don't want to muck up wedding invites. It'll be back to normal just as soon as they're finished :)

    Aren't 'bumpy cards' the pits to work on!

    Di xx

  16. Hey, I think anyplace you can see and enjoy special projects is quite appropriate.

    Lots of busyness going on. I think your desk is perfect.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #21

  17. So much to see and such a lot of things on the go. Do you use your iPad to blog as I do and I can't seem to get mr Linky to work using mine, have to use computer. Any ideas?

  18. Nice messy desk there, Julia - very healthy! Lots going on. You've certainly got a nice big space to work on. I've done a bit better this week but still not energetic enough to do all I want to do lol! I've been busy Zentangling and working on my knitting.

    Happy WOYWW and thanks for organising us all!

    Shoshi #25

  19. Hi Julia, first off, I got my badge today, forgot to take a photo of it before I made my post, I will show it next week. Love it. thank you so very much. What I find in my space is, if it is neat and tidy, I am not creating. Have a good week.

  20. A tidy work desk is such a fleeting thing... to be enjoyed for the brief hot minute it shows its smooth face. ;) Pressure always makes things go so much harder I've found also. With all the deep breathes, it's a wonder I don't hyper ventilate. Happy WOYWW!!

  21. someone obviously comes in and messes it up inbetween us being at our desks, it is the only explanation!

  22. Happy WOYWW! I am a member of the same club....too much to do not enough time, procrastinating club!

  23. Hi Julia. You look very industrious today. Why does a crafters desk seem to shrink when we are working on it?! It is a crafting mystery....Happy WOYWW from Helen 29

  24. Bumpy cards...sounds interesting.
    You have great light to highlight just how busy you are...enjoy!
    Have a great Easter ~ Happy WOYWW :D
    Neesie #32

  25. Yay! I finally got to be in the top 40! Time zones can play such a havoc! Your desk looks like that of a very creative person...I just want to get my hands on one of those ATV guns, perhaps a birthday acquisition.

    Thanks for promoting us again!

  26. At least you cleaned the desk! I couldn't even get mine cleaned right for our dinner party...oops!

    I love the tag in the button jar. The jar is working as a great way to display it so you can enjoy it while you're working!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Katie #37

  27. Golly gee, this day came around the corner way too fast! I won't be linking up this week but will still visit a few blogs.

    My desk looks about like yours - and I had it completely cleaned off over the weekend!


  28. See, that doesn't even look messy to me, it just looks like you're in the middle of a great fun project!


  29. I believe you've tidied your desk and now you just have a lot going on. Perfectly understandable! I love that purple house thingy below! Is it a card or a canvas? (If it's not a canvas, it should be, I think.)
    RosA # 40

  30. Badges waiting to be mailed you say? Hmmm...

    Love your lovely messy desk. You're making art!

    I'm on the wrong side of the globe. I'm always at the end of the list! Sheesh!

    Everyone have fun at your workdesks!

  31. Messy?, naw...artistic creations waiting to explode onto paper...sounds good huh? lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  32. Dear, dear Julia! We received our badges and we are thrilled! We'll plan on having a convention of two! :^) Isn't it amazing how fast our desks gets messed up after a tidy? Not that I do much of that! Patsy #20

  33. You are one busy gal. I don't know how you create so much so quickly. I'm snail slow and my mess looks worse than yours. Have a great week....see you soon!

  34. My eyes are not open yet :)))

    Good morning Julia!
    Happy WOYWW wednesday girl!!!

  35. Hello! Loved the visit this week - so much creativity and projects 'on the go' which I think is really inspiring! Thank you for sharing and for being our gracious host!

  36. Morning Julia! Love the creative state of your desk today - can we see what your bumpy cards look like when done?

    Lets hope Blogger behaves itself this week....

  37. ...when your running behind a deadline it becomes a chore and not really fun and besides a messy desks shows your working on something...have a loVely Easter Julia...Mel :)

  38. I got my woyww badge!!! I had to fight my daughter for it, she tried to nab it when it came (cheek). It will have pride of place on my desk.
    Love your little deck chair and all the things on your desk. Mine is tidy for the first time in ages, only because it's school holidays and I have to play with Auds.
    Have a great Easter and hope the Easter bunny comes to you.
    Von #49

  39. Hmmmn! Bumpy cards? A? P? All a bit of a mystery to me. And why am I so early today and still no 54? Not fair. Never mind, at least I have my boys modelling their shiny new badge for you. Thank you. They are playing nicely with sharing it!!

  40. It looks lovely and creative and busy to me! Good luck with finishing your projects.

  41. I didn't comment when I linked cos I was hoping not to fully wake up before going back to bed, but am up and at 'em now!! Your desk looks great - vry industrious. Have a great Easter if I'm not back before then...

  42. Morning Julia, I waited up 'till 10 past midnight hoping to be able to link up my posting but sadly no. Unfortunately the excitment is far to great to sleep so here I am up in the early hours (IN HOLIDAY TIME!) and have made it to #58 this week.
    Didn't realise you were doing the Altered Book course too and along with Elizabeth, I can't wait to see yours.
    The Ipad deck chair is great fun, glad you pointed that out in the seeming chaos, I had not noticed it before.
    Just realised you have what seems like a "door" behind your desk, hope you don't need to get out in a hurry - LOL.
    I beginning to think I am too tidy in my crafting.
    Have a fun week. BJ #58

  43. I guess the nature of workdesks is getting messy... so I´ve moved to the floor :D
    Have a great day!
    Tuire #42

  44. What a wonderful bunch of talented girls! I love all that you have created here today. Love your worktop Julia! It's a lot neater than mine. I clean mine up and by the time I finish a project it's a mess again. My husband doesn't understand how that happens. I say it's the sign of a great talent at work! #61

  45. Ooh Julia im liking the new angle lol. And so much going on :0)
    Kate xx

  46. Wow, No. 56 - the highest I have ever been. Despite a very slow internet connection (has taken 25 minutes this morning to get the link sorted - and 30 minutes last night typing the post and putting the photo on), I have remembered the day (in fact tried to do it very late on Monday night - 1.30 am, when I thought it was already Wednesday!!). Ali x

  47. Hi Julia first of all a huge gi-normous THANK YOU!!!! for WOYYW badge which made it safely all the way across the sea to monkey and me - yes, you will see on my desk who snaffled it with much joy!! thought it matched his shirt down a T....sigh sorry huge pun :D
    ......and am back briefly than will be AWOL for wee while . so life goes - and yes can understand only too well what it must be mess wise! we crafters seem to generate mess and no sooner clean it up and it is there again..
    My crafty stash in a state of neglect but it will survive and so will I! Happy WOYWW, and thanks again, Shaz in oz.x

  48. Hi! Love how your desk looks today :) You seem to be busy :) Hugs, kissinia

  49. Looks like there is tons going on and just love that tag!! What's a bumpy card? I'm sure you'll get it all done!! Thanks for sorting out the link last week, Cindy #65

  50. Love your desk so much going on :) I just ordered an ATG gun because I am fed up with pva glue I seem to get it everwhere and end up ruining projects with it loll Becky

  51. A busy desk as ususal Julia but hey! you don't appear to have snow to look out on - want some of mine? x Jo

  52. I finished one project and started another finished it and now the desk is empty but not. I have to do something to straighten out the mess I call my craft room! Always too much stuff to do and not enough time to do it! Have a great week Julia. Thanks for WOYWW! Vickie #60

  53. Are you trying to win the 'Who can fit the most on her desk competition' today? Cos I think you've won hands down :-)
    At least you're not snowed in :-)
    A x

  54. Blimey, you guys get up early!! Thought I would be nearer the top of the list than this. Another Wednesday, looking forward to my weekly hop round the crafting world x
    Sophie no.71

  55. I'm late this morning - had to move visiting Gson into our bedroom and take down the sofa bed before I could get to the computer - he didn't even notice, I'm sure he sleep walks before 10:00 am.

    Like you I'm getting a bit behind with my AB but hope to catch up after the weekend when all will get back to normal.

    Busy desk this week Julia, no idea what bumpy cards are - can you afford the extortionate stamps?

    Ann B

  56. Still sunny there I see ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  57. Morning - a little later than norm but it is the holidays so I've only just got up! Well I thought your desk was looking all tidy and spring like, and can see evidence of a tidy up. I must Gesso some letters too, got some somewhere. Take care I'm off to start snooping! Zo xx 76

  58. I find it is entirely possible to get so far behind one can appear to be at the fore front... the gorgeous tab looks like it belongs in with the bejeweled jar, and it has center front eye fest position, it such a shame when things get put to one side and then never seen from one week to the next - which reminds me - I must find my glasses....

  59. Your desk looks so inviting - all that lovely stuff to play with!

  60. great to pop by and see your creative mess as usual julia :) where would we be without mess :) x

  61. There is still way more going on than on my desk.

    Hugs to you ... looking forward to getting back into the swing of WOYWW properly once we move ... hopefully won't be long.


  62. Thanks for the visit last week Julia! Would love to see inside your altered book ;)

    Claire #85

  63. The first thing to catch my eye was the tag in the jar. I thought it was something new and the latest trend. Mind I shouldn't comment, I'm using sky hooks now!!
    Hugs Joanne xx

  64. Happy WOWYWW everyone.

    I don't know HOW you manage to create with all that STUFF on your desk hon. What's your secret? xxx

  65. Busy busy desk this week! I hate it when I leave it 'til last minute to make something nothing ever turns out for me when I have to rush! x

  66. Where does the week go. I thought I would be early this week, but I see from the list I have a long way to go. Julia, what an interesting desk you have, lots going on there thats for sure. Have a Great WOYWW Day. Hugs Rita xx

  67. Very busy desk with different things moving around. Love the deckchair! Hope to see the results of all your hard work soon. Karen 85 x

  68. I do love a messy desk.. It's inspiring me to go and mess mine right back up again! Happy Wednesday!

    Zoe #93

  69. Hi, thanks Julia for my badge, Love it!

  70. Love seeing your desk it always looks so busy lol hope you have a great week
    Anne-marie 95

  71. Great desk this week. Looks like lots of activity. I also love all the natural light coming in from those windows!

  72. Oh my Julia that is one busy desk today, you can tell the kids are off as I am just about to get cracking today....a late start!
    Happy WOYWW and happy Easter as it will be done and dusted by this time next week.

  73. Thanks so much, love WOYWW!

  74. I just love a desk with lots of action going on!!!

  75. Bumpy Cards?!
    Love the look of a busy desk.
    Laura ~102

  76. I am still trying to find your altered book! Bumpy cards are great until the post office opens them to check what you are trying to sneak through the mail system. Love the peak of your other room through the window.

  77. Yeah......messy desk brigade!!! You are in good company!

    Kyla #104

  78. Hi Julia, I love this idea! I've been following for a few weeks and have just jumped in with both feet and posted my pics! Thanks for letting me play and looking forward to catching up with everyone else.
    Liz (Applejack Crafts) no 102

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. No craft desk stays tidy for long!!

    Happy WOYWW.


  81. i've finally got my act together and joined in!! many thanks for hosting this and i've already put a WOYWW button on my blog sidebar :)
    Claire - no. 108

  82. OMG.... look at the mess.... What FUN you are having I bet... I'm jelous for sure...
    Thanks again for sending the WOOYWW badge.. Love it!!

  83. Have a wonderful creative week!

  84. Hi all im new thought I would join in. Im #108
    I've been taking a peek at all the desks for the last few weeks ever since I found Julia's blog.
    I have only recently had a permanent spot that I don't have to pack up. I have also only been blogging for a month now. So everything is new and Im muddling through and having lots of fun.
    Sandy :)

  85. Whew, that is one crazy busy desk! :) I just finished cleaning mine off, but have no fear, I got right back to messing it up again! #113

  86. Ahh, a case of the my desk was clean yesterday but you missed it :) I think the fact that it's always covered shows just how much time you actually spend creating. Lucky lady!!! Happy Wednesday!

  87. Goodness, #117 - I am late today!

    Nice to be here anyway. You certainly have plenty to keep you busy today. Good luck with that!
    Love the happy clutter of your desk. Mine is, by necessity, a lot neater today (though my computer desk is otherwise...). I have a run of custom orders on the go, so must be tidy! Never mind, Scrap Club weekend soon - I can go there and make a mess!
    Happy Wednesday everyone!

  88. I've joined the tidy crew this week, but I'm sure it won't last. Glad to see you are holding the fort until my return! #79

  89. I do love an untidy desk so congrats! Sorry, not joined in this week as central heating has been bust for 2 days and my hands are like icebergs, difficult to type and to site still for any length of time. See you next week.

  90. Good morning! (Well, it's morning over here -- ha, ha.) Last week I tried your suggestion of visiting all the folks whose numbers ended with the same digit as mine, and then of course visited everyone who commented on my blog, and fit in some more as well. But oddly, I began as #152, and then after a bit was #151, so I lost track of where I'd been. Alien abduction of a WOYWWer, along with their linky number? A mystery. *grin*

  91. Oh, you have so many fun things going on! I like it better this way than tidy, anyway! HA!

  92. My second week participating and looking forward to seeing more work
    spaces :)

  93. Wow your desk is amazing, mine is clean and tidy, but only because ive just moved into the room, next week will be a different story lol xx

  94. aha...the messy elf has been at work again! I have reclaimed my spot in the triple digits. Thanks for the peek, Julia!

  95. Love the light in this shot. The days are so much lighter now, aren't they? Although having a north facing room at this time of year means it's rather chilly!
    Take care
    Jakix #122

  96. I swear, I love looking at your desk...the whole "where's waldo" feel gets me off to a great start!And I can't wait to see those Penny Black alphabets!

  97. Thanks for hosting again! Looks like creative chaos reigns here! happy woyww --#59

  98. Afternoon! I was here this morning, early, but my comment seems to have disappeared into the emptiness of space! (Or I for got to press the was late, I might've fallen asleep!) Lovely desk and your jam-jared tag looks lovely! Have a lovely Easter weekend.

  99. Wow, I'm running late, but it sure is nice to see that I am not the only one with a lot of things to take care of. Have a WONDERFUL day

  100. Hello!

    You have so much space! I envy you! Your workdesk always looks so interesting - so many projects and supplies! I have to put everything away because of my small space, which is good but I love your area with the window! :<) Wishing you a happy day today!


    Barbara Diane

  101. OH how a love a desk full of great snopes!!! You've lots of great play items to work with this week. Have a hurry have a haircut and grocery shopping...yuck Happy WOYWW

  102. Hmm the old was tidy story ?
    If you say so. You have me peering into the box of goodies and trying to peek under the stacks today.
    Thanks for hosting. No desk for me today, but had to stop for peeks

  103. I'm a PVA girl, too. :) Looks nice and busy and I'm tempted by the plastic bin in front. Oh how I love to rummage through bins!


  104. Love the window over your desk and the fact that you can see the other room through it is so nice. Looks like you would get a lot of light. Dani133

  105. Always feel better about my desk once I seen

  106. My word, you do have a lot of different projects on the go, fab! Thanks for sharing.

    Happy WOYWW.

    Jumbleberries @ 135

  107. We don't want you to tidy, it looks much more inspirational when it's full of interesting products we look for. Michelle x

  108. I know how you feel Julia - I moved a load of colouring stuff off the sofa and in the blink of an eye there's even more craft stuff on there...oh well.

    Toni xx

  109. Finally managed to join in again - sorry it's been so long - haven't done anything crafty for ages but back to it now so fingers crossed I can be a regular contributor :0)

  110. It might be piled up but it looks like a happy place to play and like life and activity have been going on there. And if it weren't for the last minute (and beyond) nothing would ever get done.

    Can I borrow some of that big roll of bubble wrap? I need to mail a metal sculpture to my mom. Soon. ish.

  111. It might be piled up but it looks like a happy place to play and like life and activity have been going on there. And if it weren't for the last minute (and beyond) nothing would ever get done.

    Can I borrow some of that big roll of bubble wrap? I need to mail a metal sculpture to my mom. Soon. ish.

  112. Good Morning;
    This is my first official visit to WOYWW....what a busy place this is....I'm ashamed to say that my "work space" (WIP) is very uncreative and I'm not at all inspired by it, so I will show what I created ON my work space.....


  113. You are busy and it`s what is important. Clean studio? I had it several week ago and was nice for a moment but.... Well, today I will show a part of my studio I never show before only b/c my long deks are too short those days:) See you!

  114. How fun for you to get all these comments and feel all this love! I believe that you cleaned and tidied - and then messed it up. That is the cycle of crafting, right enough. Thanks, as always, for reliable fun for all of us on Wednesdays! Have a great week!

  115. LOL! I guess that craft desks are like matter how many times you tidy up the looks like you never started! Have fun with the bumpy cards! Thanks as always for hosting! -Amanda x142

  116. Julia

    Truly a woman after my own heart - a desk that I can identify with and the reasons for its state. Thing is, I procrastinate - big style. Long 'to do' list? Tidy a drawer out... pending birthday and in need in a card? alphabetize your stamps, or maybe put your paper flowers in size order... That me. I'm sure you don't procrastinate but loving the desk this week. I have a 'P' and a 'D' from hobbycraft (me and OH).

    Can you tell me where you get your tape from for your gun. I'm struggling to get a good price so wondered if you had a favoured supplier - details would be much appreciated.

    Happy WOYWW 148, thanks for hosting, its really appreciated how you are an enabler and a networker extrodinair!

    Hugs and love

    Paula x x x

  117. I love a busy desk it makes me feel right at home. I put my WOYWW badge on my photo but you can't see it. Will do better next week.


  118. Been meaning to join in this for ages. I have been looking at the desks for what seems like forever,but never made it to upload mine. Hopefully I will manage it most weeks now I have started. x

  119. Loving the lighting in your work area, so nice. :) That is one thing I do not have in my shop! I have to take breaks for puppy walks and sunshine. Happy WOYWW~Annie #152

  120. Looks like you've been very busy again The tag in your button jar looks interesting, I've been dreaming about tags for two weeks!! I look forward to a change in direction this week, That's a lot of pairs of scissors you've got there, I'm always misplacing mine, I'll have to follow your lead. Have a good Easter xx

  121. ...oh Julia i've arrived home from work to find my badge waiting for me...I'm thrilled to bits thankyou so much and I can't wait to show it off...have a fabby Easter...Melxx

  122. It's good to see a different view to your lovely messy desk, only one pair of scissors this week, very unusual. Have a great Easter

  123. So far in this little game i have not found a super tidy disk to send me into a frenzy of tidying that really ends up moving the gear from one dumping ground to another.

  124. I'm in....and must remember to use my list link number this week...hahhaha ..... silly me....

  125. Hi, busy desk again for you. Not so for me! Have a marvellous Easter:) xx

  126. Hi Julia, I'm late, hangs head in shame, but I got here finally and your desk is well worth the effort as usual - so much to see. Hope your day has gone well and you've made progress on the bumpy cards. Elizabeth x #147

  127. This is a busy desk! Hope you show us some of the bumpy cards. Have a great week, and thanks for the fun! Barb #116

  128. Seems you have been busy this past week and thank for the peek at the tidy desk for this week. There is a lot going on there. I'm not linked again this week, hope things settle down soon.

  129. A first time for me!! Exciting! I posted just a quickie post as I'm a bit late taking part...will hopefully do better next week xx Jo #160

  130. LOL what space do you craft on? You must be a great miniature crafter.
    and no thats not me and hubby on the tv screen, its some news about the woman falling overboard and drowning, I should pic a better story to feature on my WOYWW LOL
    Bridget #84

  131. yeah I'm back didn't make it last week. I keep tidying up but it doesn't stay like it for more thaan a few minutes. Sure there are gremlins in that room. Thanks for sharing Julia. Anne x

  132. Nearly didn't make it this tired from two busy days!
    I've given up trying to stay tidy....just push it all back so I have enough space to work!!!
    Happy WOYWW!!

  133. So late tonight and I was in such a hurry, I actually linked to last weeks WOYWW! I am now linked to both weeks - sorry about that! Nice to see all the stuff you're doing - I need to get round to doing something soon - I got a big to do list from little sis, so should get started soon!

  134. Thanks for your comment on my blog, Julia - and you ain't seen nothin' yet... I've got loads of weird and wonderful ideas for zentangling lol!! Glad you like the knitting. It's slow, but gradually growing! I'm really enjoying it as it's something I can do while watching TV on the recliner.


  135. Howdy Julia,

    Your desk is lookin' very productive this week.

    But not mine - I've only got a GIVEAWAY to show this week. Woo-hoo!

    Would love for you to stop by when you have a moment or 2.


  136. Sorry I missed last week. I had a doozy of a day today LOL Gonna go relax & look through everyones spaces. #170
    Oh also posted the stamp storage I was working on finally.

  137. Oops! I posted this weeks pictures on last weeks WOYWW...yah, I guess I'm somehow just talented like that... :-)

  138. Hey Julia, thanks for visiting my blog. The weather is still nasty here. It is suppose to be out of here by the early morning hours and our weekend is shaping up to be lovely. And yes, I bake like that at least once a month and for all holidays. It is another creative outlet and I like giving to my neighbors and my husband office.

  139. So many very yummy things on your desk!!!

    Thank you so much for my button! It has started a new trend on my cargo case!!!

    have a wonderful week!

  140. your desk looks like fun waiting to happen!

  141. Thanks for your comment! Yes the red paper hasn't been drawn on - the birds and hearts and things are part of the print. Its from a 'vintage' set I think from hobbycraft. The thankyou card was from my cousin, he's a graphic designer and designs and prints all his own cards. Have a lovely Easter :) x

  142. Looks like that new leaf that your turned over got blown about a bit! Still, where would we all be if you were tidy each week??! Thanks for the kind comments, just two more days of work, or perhaps pseudo work!, and we'll be hitting the road. Don't think I'll be packing a scarf though! Glad to hear it's still useful and still being admired! I highly doubt I'll have anything to post this week, so will catch up with the ranting when I get back!



Your contribution is a valuable thing - thanks for taking the time!