
Friday 1 July 2011

This card was one of the four that I presented in the recent workshop to celebrate another birthstone. You can't tell which? Huh? No, it's not aquamarine or turquoise...really, can't you tell? It's Pearl. June's stone. See, now I say, it's really obvious innit. You must admit, therefore, this card is suddenly become a good example of the i word. Interpretation. Ooh it's a word that causes emotional reactions too isn't it. If you interpret a word or phrase or gesture wrongly....but it's OK, we're talking paper and glue (ish). After I write these posts I'm often completely knocked off my stool by the way these strung together words are interpreted. Comments left make me realise - often - that the point I thought I was making is not the one that gets discussed. How interesting.
I absolutely love to look at blogs that offer sketch challenges, particularly for scrapbooking. The way other people interpret a sketch is amazing. Give 3 people the sketch and the same pile of stash and you'll get 3 different projects, no doubt. I think you're eased into the skill of interpreting sketches after you see a few billion of other people's. You know - where you see a flower placed on the point where the sketch shows a circle, or the sketch is rotated to better suit a photo format...all of this is without rules see, so it takes time to realise you can do it. Or is that 'you' meant to read 'I'? Probably. Try it...take a sketch...from anywhere, and apply it to what you do - fabric, card, scrapbook....go on, it'll be OK. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.


  1. You are right Julia, sometimes I look at a sketch on a challenge blog and then you look at what people have done and no where can you see that sketch but I guess the person who made the card, scrapbook LO or whatever, must have seen something similar or maybe they just don't care! I think I am more of a "play by the rules" gal! I ask myself why do a challenge if your not really challenged?? There is my opinion!

  2. stunning!! Love the combo of the pom poms and the spriral flowers!! HUgs Juls

  3. Now ...question is this LL Jan ot JD back after frying her tender skin. I think it may still be Jan ...who ever it is ...I love this amazing card different ...shame you'd have to pay extra to send it lol xx

  4. Hmm, is there we all go off on a tangent and start discussing existentialism, and how the sketch relates to life, that we all have a pattern we just skew to fit the life cards we've been dealt?


    Welcome back!

  5. Great card I love the flowers. I made some myself but thought I had done them wrong - but now I think they may pass, only mentioning this in case you think I have copied! But then is any idea original - discuss LOL!

  6. I love this card, especially the colours. I find it hard to follow sketch challenges, not sure why.

  7. Another sketch ogling seriously I also spend hours loving and looking at how folk do theirs. Just love taking in the amazing pieces people create...Does you good.
    Loving that card are a closet hand made flower fan.

  8. Very nice card...I never would have guessed pearl though! I haven't gotten into sketch stuff--I just stare at the black outlines, and nothing comes to mind! Give me a color combo though...

  9. Sometimes I see a sketch and I'm right in there but other times I really struggle. Great card Julia (I wouldn't have 'got' pearl either - sorry) those pom-poms are fab.

    Toni xx

  10. So VERY beautiful Julia!
    Keryn x


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