
Tuesday 12 July 2011


Since we came back from our holiday, I really feel like a holiday. Not because I'm exhausted or because it's been a long year or because the holiday we've had was awful or anything like that. I think, I think it's because it was early. June isn't traditionally a holiday month for anyone with school age kids, lets face it. So I'm facing July and August with a longing, which is frankly ridiculous. And I've determined that the longing will translate itself into something useful. And two days after I determined this, I've decided that a major overhaul of the work room is part of the 'useful'. I know, scarey. That's why it's taken two days! Since January Mr Dunnit has been self employed and the international headquarters and offices are here, at home. So that means I use the dining table to do the book-keeping, the dining room floor for the boxes of literature and assorted lever arch files and this workroom for computer stuff and it's beginning to drive me mad. I've lost the urge to keep it tidy because it's spread everywhere, so now is the time to consolidate. I'm pretty sure that with some real tidying, rearranging and casting of a non-sentimental eye over all of my stuff, this workroom can accomodate a small business too. After all, other people manage with a great deal less. As far as I can tell, it's just about being tidy. *huge hoots of laughter* . I'm going in. Wish me luck.


  1. super cute card today julia....I am all of a quiver...are we going to be seeing the fruits of your labours tomorrow....hugs kath xxx

  2. Look forward to seeing the results tomorrow.....


  3. Ha, ha good luck!!!

  4. Oh Julia a woman after my own heart! I got the bejesus scared out of me the other day when a cat decided to curl up in an upturned box and when I tossed something in its direction the cat flew straight up box and all. My craft room is still a mess and doesn't seem to be wanting to be straightened up. Good luck with yours! Vickie

  5. You know my motto....'A place for everything and everything in it's place'. Good luck. Look forward to seeing how it's going tomorrow :-)
    A x

  6. Hope you manage to emerge in time for tomorrow - it's the highlight of the week! Happy sorting out, Di x

  7. I have every sympathy for you, when my husband works from home three days a week we have to share the back bedroom, he moans and groans that he can't put his lap tops anywhere - h has been known to pile my stash that I've left out and 'dump' it on the landing!!

  8. Good Luck! It's not just about being tidy, it's about being organised and having ace storage.... good excuse for a trip to somewhere like Ikea...

  9. Wow, good luck with that. If I don't hear from you in three days, I'll send in a St Bernard with a keg of brandy!! Or should that be Gin in your case....!! xx

  10. With a little ruthless-ness and a lot of organising I am sure you will succeed... I keep looking at my humungous space and wondering how it all got so small!! Stuff just takes over and piles up on you... good luck with the make-over!!

  11. I can totally understand that - especially as the schools haven't finished yet - you kind of need to see hoards of kids to know the summer is in. Two years ago we went really late and that was just as bad. I was too moody and tired from waiting. Hope you will grab a long weekend somewhere. Go for it with the clean up and life laundry thing - I did my whole craft room Sunday and I swear something in my brain shifted.... Creates mental and physical breathing space. Wishing you gusto and a ruthless spirit!

  12. Good luck with the re-organizing. Knowing what your motto was earlier in the year, this could be interesting...I am a box freak, I love containerizing and labeling everything, that way I can find it again in a hurry when I need it.

  13. Gosh Mrs, you never do things by halves do you LOL

    Hope all goes to plan.

    Toni xx

  14. I wish you luck, since my basement studio is still filled with unpacked boxes waiting on shelving. I know it can be done, it just takes the willpower. I like that you have the right attitude about it. Now where is that glass of tea and remote control?

  15. Good luck!!! We have a student staying with us at the moment so all the boxes with wedding stationery that I normally keep in her room has had to move to my craft room, its everywhere so I could do with some help here when you are finished!!! Hugs Pam x

  16. I feel a bit like that after our hol and dont think we are getting another unless the lottery comes up LOL
    good luck x

  17. Ohhhhhhhhhh I can only dream!!!! the need to sort through things and re-arrange crafting space into office and crafting space!!!!! what a perfect way to spend a day or two!!! get the kettle on I'll book my ferry ;)
    p.s would be great to see you in September if you are able to come over Px

  18. Love that card.
    Currently mid-organisation myself, one of the reasons I've not been blogging. Just keep reminding yourself as I do that it will be worth it in the end

  19. Best of luck for your re-organisation Julia, you don't fancy coming round & casting a non sentimental eye over all my stuff do you? I need a good sort out

  20. I can se where you are comming from ...and it might help ...but I bet you find it hard to thin things out ...and your tidying will soon be untidy again why not just sit down with a crafting mag and a large coffee ...and something yummy ... and save all that wasted energy. xx

  21. Naaaah Julia, Step away from the craft room!

    Go book another flight, that should do it!!

    Keryn x

  22. I had the urge to tidy up, but laid down unil it passed.

  23. OK....Good Luck! I have a room just like that which I've decided to close my eyes everytime I walk by it!

  24. Files, boxes, paperwork... isn't that what cupboards are for? Or under the bed? Or anywhere else that things can be pushed away and hidden? *lol* Nobody opens a cupboard in my home without some sense of trepidation ... now you know why :)

    So... good luck - just remember that "Boring women have immaculate homes"... so don't work too hard ;)

  25. good luck, Julia. i need a bit of that non-sentimental eye thing too!

  26. Hey sissy, you can always come to CA for august and spend some holiday time with me...would be awesome..xx


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