
Saturday 14 May 2011

Ah, there you are....

Lawks, aren't you glad that you aren't a Blogger technician? I know I am - the pressure must have been appalling! Not being able to blog or comment left me with some time to kill. I was so productive. I watched new episodes of Hawaii Five-O (for the scenery, you understand) and I helped Miss Dunnit start to make a hat.
Yeah, you read that right. The Last-minute Queen bought this buckram and stuff and it's been sitting around for oh, six weeks? And she needs the hat for a convention at the month end. So I get involved or it's not going to happen or worse, I'll have to drop everything to help when it's not convenient. Which is nearly always for these hare-brained schemes. Ah well. Long way to go though as you can see!
So what did you do whilst the Blogger world held its collective breath? Something wholesome and fulfilling no doubt.
Have a lovely weekend!


  1. I am impressed at you and Miss D hat-making!! Do make sure you show us the finished article. I can lay claim to nothing so impressive - I did nothing!! Didn't even make anything to show later. Must put that right today.

  2. Poo... I TRIED my damnest to join in with your great colour debate - which seems to have gone to blogger heaven!!! So frustrating wasn't it!! I had a piece to share for two challnges, and more WOYWWing to do, but was stymied!!! Yes, I am glad I just use blogger and don't have to be responsible for it... wonder how many there are actually?? Seems never-ending out there...

  3. I moved my blog.. to one that is reliable and performs infinitely better,


  4. Sulked! LOL!

    Good luck with the hat.

    Hugs, Sandra

  5. Nothing much constructive other than grinding of teeth at not getting into the thing - didn't have time Thursday morning to go through all my reading ling and when the thing came back most of the posts on the list came up 'not found'.

    Still, as frustrating as Blogger can be I find it reasonably user friendly so wouldn't want to start learning the ins & outs of a new system. Only thing is... when it throws a hissy-fit, boy does it throw one...LOL

    Look forward to seeing the finished hat.

    Toni xx

  6. I caught up on some episodes of Vampire Diaries yesterday - with hubby and a bowl of crisps. A very successful combination =)

  7. When I get frustrated, I go shopping!!!! OHHHHHHH baddddddd. Drove 30 miles south and got beautitul flowers to plant if it decides to stay warm 40 now ! 98 one day 40 the next. And got in on a great sale for new ribbon, lace and mini flowers. Was a fun time.
    But still computer problems.

  8. hi Julia - whilst blogger was down i took the time to work on my shop:

  9. I was desperately trying to post to a challenge that was about to close and wizz up and down the motor way to Mum (92yrs old)who is very porly and needs to get into the care system. Both finally achieved at the end of yesterday. Phew I need a drink now.

  10. This is the first time Blogger has thrown me for a loop, so I'll give it a few more chances. I lost one post, but life goes on. I'm sure many people were way more stressed out than I was!

  11. I panicked in case I could never blog again! LOL
    Never had a problem before.....usually of my own doing if I have!!
    xoxo Sioux

  12. Good luck with the hat, I felt suprisingly bereft while Blogger was down

  13. Yeah, that was a superbummer, no?

    i hadn't posted in ages and wanted to post my giveaway thing and finally had big hairy news
    and what?


    blogger dies it's silly death!

  14. Yep, Blogger seems to have had a run of difficult weeks. Let's hope they all got overtime. Or, at least, made it work! A hat? Now there's a project to keep an eye on!

  15. I really lost my rag when blogger went down, especially as the PlayStation Network is down - I don't use it but DH does so he's been under my feet for weeks. Blogger also ate all the comments that lovely peeps left for me so super not happy :D

  16. I didn't even realize the reason Blogger was down, just that I couldn't get on, and all the posts on my sidebar wouldn't open. I'm glad it's back, though. I lost one post and one set of comments.

    I look forward to seeing the hat that you and Miss D made. I'm sure it is a stunner. It will be a fun post, I'm sure, since hats seem to be the big thing in England these days.

    As for my WOYWW life, I thought my boxes were coming out of storage on Wednesday, so had to be up early. Couldn't stay up all night to post a link, so didn't try. Then, like Blogger, the people didn't show up with the boxes and I was stuck waiting for something that didn't happen. However, I appreciate you stopping by to see the porch because I finally got the trim painted on my house yesterday. Now you can see most of the porch (on today's blog post). Unfortunately, the deck of the porch cannot be painted or stained for one full season. The wood has to breathe or something and allow all the excess treating (or whatever it's called) out of it.

  17. I got on with the mountain of sewing I'd got....actually got loads done so maybe they could shut down blogger for one day every week? :-)
    I have just blogged our exciting might like a peep at the pics :-)
    A x

  18. Good luck with your hat-making! I had a weekend family getaway to the beach while Blogger was out of action. I was frustrated not to be able to get on my blog prior to leaving on Friday, but I didn't feel like I was missing out on QUITE as much in Blogland while I was gone!

  19. Mm, Julia am feeling for blogger techno heads but frustrated at present as can't sign in properly to my blog...not sure what is happening but my hotmail account seems to be blocked by them which is the main sign in.. fortunately I have s subsidiary one with gmail so cant post, but dont have administrators rights with it, ah well life is never dull.. Shaz in Oz.x
    PS in looking for an answer to my problem I read they are trying to get missing posts back so your colour post may come back yet..

  20. Oh I did feel sorry for the team at Blogger/Google, but happy that I mostly use wordpress on my own domain!

    While tumbleweed were blowing through blogland I was working hard on colouring images for new releases...and errr...still am. LOL!


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