
Wednesday 23 February 2011

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? 90

Mine has been a very active space - I photographed on Tuesday because this is a scheduled post. I'm off out to play today, and need not get up at 5.30. Although I probably should - it takes an age for the creases from the pillow to wear off my face these days!So here's what I did first: packed the tote with supplies and papers etc for Thursday's workshop. Took about 3 hours; lots of die cutting for this one!

Then I had to settle down and do some non craft work..honestly, this week is all about filling in multi page forms; it is not interesting and I hope not to have to repeat it; but the pay off is amazing. Get the forms filled and in their envelopes and presto wham! clear desk, ready for playing.
So I did. It was fun and the light was awful, so is the photo!

Really pleased that you think a PiF for the second WOYWW anniversary is a good idea, we need to keep it relatively uncomplicated; I'll ask you on the day to add an asterisk * to your name in the link if you are participating. And the last participant simply sends to the first..then you're all in the loop. Easy, huh!

Meanwhile, show us your current work desk, tray, table, floor space so that we can see what you've got and what you're doing with what you've got and what we might want that you already have. Upload a photo to your blog, link here and we'll come round as soon as we can! You don't have to visit everyone - taking into account numbers, word verification and blogger's hormones, just get around as many or as few as you can. No blatant advertising please - good blogging will promote your products far better than a flash on WOYWW!


  1. Oh a play date, what fun, wish my trip out was that!!!

  2. I loath filling in forms, luckily if I leave them long enough DH does them! ;) Your desk looks very neat today - probably because you have it all packed for the play date!!

  3. That tote looks full of goodies and ready to play. Glad to see you setting a great example by getting on top of that paperwork (I will get to mine, honest!).

    I was AWOL last week and missed you all. Looking forward to catching up this week.

  4. Have a great time out playing, and the bag for the workshop looks great fun too. Good to see your paperartsy stamps getting a work out!

  5. Love those Papertrey Stamps!

    Have a fab WOYWW and can you post the exact date in the upcoming WOYWW posts that we need to have our PIFs ready for? Not all of us can do complicated math, lol!


  6. Looks like you are getting ready for a productive day over there, Julia!.. ours is nearly over as 5pm here , but still time to play..even if in the virtual world the inter-web looking at other desks.. thanks Julia for hosting the fun!
    Shaz in Oz.xx

  7. Good news on the PiF front. I add asterisks to my name anyway... maybe I'll add a whole bunch extra... just so people know!
    Hope you have fun with all that die-cutting you did!

  8. Have a fun day playing - my most hated task filling in form always have to have spares as I always cock them up - lol

  9. It does feel nice to play after the work is done, I agree. I don't always do that, but I agree!

  10. Have fun on your play date - that sounds lovely!

  11. Happy wednesday hunni.Have very good day creating.looks like your bags full of goodies.
    Hugs Judex 7

  12. Hi Julia
    sounds like afun packed day, well done on gettin all them forms filled out, i hate fillin in forms always make cock up! Have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  13. Good Morning all! Love that bunny picture Julia.... Well done on getting the forms finished!

  14. nice roomy tote you have for all your supplies. i'm so glad i don't have to fill up forms! not fun. you will remind us about that PIF when it's almost time, won't you?

  15. Hopefully the workshop went well. Looking forward to the PIF.

  16. Hope your tote has wheels!! You definitely deserve to play after doing all that paperwork.
    Sandra xx

  17. Have a fun Wednesday Julia. I will be in the link on the day if only I remember to add my * fact it's just taken me ages to find it on my keyboard :-) Make it simple Julia cos I have found many that can't read simple instructions along my travels and the whole thing could end up with some receiving 2 or 3 and others not getting any :-)
    A x

  18. does that coaster claim that you will drop your knickers for chocolate?

    Really Julia I thought you were a higher class of tart than that, chocolate and wine at Least...


  19. Ooh1 off on a play day - so am I. It's all so exciting. Enjoy yours, I know I'm in for a treat.
    xx Joanne #35

  20. Isn't it lovely to have a play date to look forward to.

    Toni :o)

  21. Hi Julia your all organised for your workshop and the desk looks very tidy.
    Cheers Elaine

  22. Intrigued by the view outside your window! Is that a ladder? And some edging to the lawn? Is there a garden project happening? :)

  23. Hi Julia
    Having blogged for weeks - great that you run this "event" as it motivates me to blog again !!
    Loads of good things happening on your desk this week !!
    What's a PiF for the 2nd anniversary ? Ali #37

  24. Up at 5.30? I over slept this morning, surprisingly so I'm late... never mind. Your desk always looks organised to me. Must put the PiF thingy on the calender, as I'd already forgotten about it, really do wish I had a bigger brain sometimes! It that a cute little rabbit I can see. (I must get my head into thinking Easter and rabbits with eggs) Your crafty event sounds like great fun, wish I lived nearer. Have a fab time

  25. Have fun at your workshop! Looks like you are prepared!
    I had a desk full of paperwork too but didn't want to take a picture of it and be reminded, lol!
    But now your desk looks all crafty again and ready for more of your fabulous creations!
    xoxo Karen (#44)

  26. Some great work going on - I was AMAZED at the number of posts here at silly o'clock this morning - either insomniacs or VERY keen! Well done, peeps xx

  27. I love form filling! Have a great day now you've got your chores out of the way :) xx

  28. Hi Julia,
    Your crafting tote looks very organised! Have a great time at the workshop!

    Great to see that the PiF is going ahead - I have marked the date in my diary.

    Dee #51

  29. very organised, you deserve some play time after that form filling.

    what does that coaster say? I'm coming up with all sorts of variations...

    caroline ~53

  30. How exciting that you're off to a workshop! Patsy from

  31. Enjoy your playday.
    When do we do the asterix thing re PIF?
    I know, I am dozy:(


  32. Hi Julia you look uber organised this fine morning. Have a great day...xx

  33. lovely desk enjoy the workshop x

  34. Hope you have a good day out... I'm out all day today too but mine is not craft-related... I'm going to visit my grandma, who is finally out of hospital, and introduce her to her second great-grandaughter for the first time! :)


  35. My poor sad desk is on my blog - off to feel really jealous looking round some inspiring desks x

  36. Enjoy your workshop...looks like you are very organized and ready to go!

  37. Have a great play day, so much fun to get out and mix with like minded folks. Desk real tidy today! Carolxx

  38. Hehehe ******* found it!! I will be all ready now for the PiF! Have a great Wednesday julia.

  39. hi julia, hope you are well, so happy to finally be back and able to join you this week, have missed you all so much!! well done on clearing your desk, cant wait to see what you create, there must be something in the air this week that has us clearing our desks! hugs mandyxx

  40. Morning Julia enjoy your day out playing

    Laura x

  41. Looks like a tote-ally fun day :D. Nice reward system to work down to crafty goodness! #67

  42. I like the idea of a PIF - please remind me again though closer to the time, because I simply cannot retain information in my brain for that long!

    I'm off to actually do my WOYWW post now (the joys of school holidays!) and then I'll come back and linklinklink!

  43. You look far more organized than me today! Enjoy your play date!

  44. Forms are only good for one thing.....SHREDDING!!

  45. oooh treasure in a tote- lovely!
    can i have one of those please?
    happy woyww- thanks for sharing
    xxx #28
    fairy leonie

  46. Have a great play day.


  47. 5.30, what's 5.30!!! Enjoy your day :)

  48. Cute bunnies! What tote do you use Julia and would you recommend it? I have destroyed 2 now just by puling them along rough pavements.

    ** Kate **

  49. ooooh you've been busy, Julia, paperwork, crafting, packing....hope you're having fun today!
    I've loaded photos of my temporary crafty corner - I'd have to take the camera for a walk all over the place to show all the places my stuff is stashed now. hey ho, it will be worth it when it's done....

  50. Have a fab day Julia, I'm back again really enjoyed it last weeks. you've got me hooked :D

    Ali x

  51. Enjoy your trip Julia, your tote looks too tidy! Joey xxx

  52. Wow thats an early start! And such a tity crafting tote! Have a great day today, I'm off to the Paperartsy Tim Holtz event (squeal!!) in a bit, hence the VERY early posting from me ;-)

  53. Your workshop looks really interesting - love those Hot Pick stamps.
    Helen #73

  54. Have a great workshop safe in the knowledge that you were totally GUDD to finish your paperwork first!!! I have a workshop with Tim Holtz this Friday, so a big week for both of us eh??? PiF is a great idea and I am looking forward to it...

  55. Morning Julia, hope you have a wonderful day today and lots of fun at your workshop tomorrow!
    Michelle (84)

  56. Forms! Hate the little blighters. Don't get me started on questionaires. They are the pits. Never got the right boxes for me to tick. Have been known in the past to draw an extra box or two in and then tick it! Did that once on a character refernece form that came into my old boss. It didn't have the boxes I wanted so I created my own. The new Boss even rang me up to thank me for clarifying a few points.Lol. `

  57. All that stuff, thas looks like a lot of fun. If I lived near by I would give you a helping hand.Have a great week, blessings Hilde

  58. I don't know what PiF stands for, but I'm assuming it's a blog hop, and I'd love to be in. Let us know the date soon.

  59. Hi your new look! it has been a while since i popped by. I have had a change too decided to create a new blog.....change is good. Anyway looks like you have been keeping very busy
    have a great wednesday


  60. Right busy with them die cuts eh!And yes playing with stamps in much better than form! Think the pic was ok actually! Hope you've had a great day!

  61. I also hat form filling, Julia, and put it off until the very last moment. However, I am quite proudl of myself so far this year, having finished the probate and tax forms for Mum's estate (not complicated, just got put off), sorted out and got our new passports, and done a few more jobs like that. Just waiting now for our Census forms to arrive, suddenly realised they are due any time. Sadly, it does not look as though we shall get any more of the old Censuses released for those of us who are into Family Tree research - perhaps we should all complain loudly and long, they are such a useful source to find our missing relatives. Hope your crafting day went well, Julia. See you next week.

  62. PS should have read "hate" not "hat". Oops.

  63. You're so well organised for today - hope you have a good one (shame about the need to do the paperwork - I've got some to do that I keep putting off, but will have to tackle soon) x

  64. I'm back LOL
    Have a great day

  65. Great feeling once the paperwork is finished and you can play! Think I've got it the wrong way round where's that car insurance renewal form?! Ooops, well bless my soul, under a pack of decoupage stuff :) Di x

  66. Form filling? One of my pet hates.....still at least you got to play after ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  67. I'm not sure who linked me up this week, but I thank them. And I would never visit and not leave a comment. That's why you know I'm here. I can't believe people don't leave YOU comments, especially since they are already here. NOT COOL for people who came and left after linking up.

    BTW, that paperwork may not be much fun, but like you said, it is worth it in the end. The payoff is HUGE, I'm sure.

    Not sure what I missed, but I have no idea what a PiF is for the 2nd anniversary. However, whatever everyone else wants is perfectly acceptable with me.

    And I see you are off and running on your Easter cards already.

  68. Urgh...forms...horrid things! Glad you got them finished ok.

    This is the time I've played with WOYWW, so I hope it is ok to join in. I've blogged and done Mr Linky, off to have a look around.

  69. Hormone central here this morning!! Haven't had a play date in years, hope you enjoy. That's an organised tote you have there, your desk needs to take note, although it's tidy this week cause everything is in the tote!

  70. Hi Julia - hope you are having a lovely day out. We're about to head off too - midday but who cares?

    I know the feeling re paperwork; I emptied the invoice drawer yesterday morning and, even though it was only a few weeks worth, it felt so light afterwards. Permission to produce more was granted!

    All the best for tomorrow.

  71. Looks like you are off to a very fun day. Well deserved after the look of all those forms.

  72. I am so late ..but at least I made it this week ... I have never done a pif ...not sure what you do but it sounds fun. Hope you are having a fun day

  73. Hi Julia, long time no speak. It has been six weeks since I have joined in with WOYWW. So I am unaware re what Pif means, please enlighten me LOL. Can't believe you were up at 5.30am, takes me all my time to get up 4 hours later than that at the min LOL. Your desk looks quite tidy today, I'm impressed and I love the PaperArtsy stamps on your desk, can't wait to see what you create. Tracy Evans x x

  74. Have tote, will travel. Hope the workshop goes well. Don't envy you your paperwork, but do love your workspace. Had so much fun last week, I'm back for more. Hugs lin

  75. hope your workshop goes well, I have given you a little bit more of a peek at my desk today...

  76. Enjoy your playing.

    Your tote is extremely well organised.

    I am joining in for the first time today with a shot of my dining room table at the weekend. I don't own a desk and we have to use laptrays at the weekend as I lay claim to the table!!!

    Karen x

  77. Hi Julia, hope your day has been enjoyable and the workshop has gone well. Hate paperwork too but it feels so good when it's done :) Elizabeth x a woeful #114 this week.

  78. I see Easter has arrived to your desk, too! :)
    And nice glasses, they look pretty much exactly like mine actually.

    Have a fun workshop day!

  79. Thanks so much for hosting!!
    I love this huge blogging sucess you have created. A peak into the special places from around the world.
    Keep smiling and creating

  80. fab desk :-) nice n messy just how I like em the paper artsy stamp set looks fab and the bunny all ready to be made into a card is very cute :-)

    Lols x x x

  81. Darn those pillow creases! Have fun at your workshop and I'm looking forward to seeing what becomes of the bunny image.

  82. How wonderful, a play day. Looks like you are ready and raring to go. I am so sorry that my area no longer has any shops that offer workshops any more. We have hardly anything close to me, except Michael's, and I am upset whenever I go there because they never have what I am looking to purchase. Seems pretty silly that I don't think they have the latest products until it has become and old product. Guess it all depends on the buyer for that particular store. Don't really know. So you have a great time and show us your goodies later. Gosh how did I get to venting on here. SORRY!

  83. What time is 5.30am, Julia. You must be dedicated!!!!
    Some lovely things happening on your desk this week. I spy Paperartsy stamps, my favourite. Have fun at your workshop.
    Hugs Lisa (123)

  84. You look so organised, Julia, but I guess it is a case of having to be sometimes. I'm trying this today - packing for a 3 day residential - and trying to catch up on expense claims for work. Boring! But at least the fun is still to start!! Hope you had a great workshop.
    I'll come out to play again next week.

  85. Have fun at your workshop. Hugs Pam x

  86. Its so good to be back after missing a couple of weeks.
    I look forward to having a nose around to see what everyone is upto.
    Spring cards are popping up everywhere.
    Happy crafting everyone.
    Have a great Workshop Kaz x

  87. I feel your non-crafty pain. I've been catching up on business receipts and boring bookkeeping lately. Blech. Hope your payoff happens soon!

    Susan #129

  88. wow, i thought i'd never get to the end of the comments to leave mine. great, you are doing something right. interesting to see how you pack for workshops. thanks for sharing.

  89. Ahh Forms! I hate them. I usually try to avoid them as I tend to have to fill in forms in my work!!

    Love those stamps. Looking forward to the chance of buying PaperArtsy stamps on Friday.

    Enjoy your crafting time.

    Sam aka Hettie #135

  90. Howdy,

    Forms do sometimes annoy me - so I usually promise myself a fun reward after I'm done with them. Rewards after chores works great for my 'pea brain'.

    What is a 'PIF'? What do we send?

    Meanwhile, hope you can visit my blog and comment when you have a moment or 2.


  91. Julia, Have a FABULOUS Day! Looks like everyone is still busy with projects! Yea! Create all you can!

  92. Have fun at your workshop...and good on you for getting your filing done!

    Sheena #140

  93. Enjoy your day out!!! thanks again for WOYWW :-)

    sarah x x x

  94. I don't get to play today because I took off on "vacation" today - I'm interviewing for Grad School on Friday. Hope to play again next week, if I make it home in time.

  95. Hope your play day was great. I got to spend a bit of time working on a card today. I did some die cutting for mine too.

  96. Cute bunny on that striped paper. I'm not really into "cute" except for bunnies! And you can't go wrong with those Paper Artsy stamps. Lovely!

  97. Hey Julia...hope you are going to have a grand day playing with your crafties after having to suffer through all those forms! Enjoyed your post on my blog and I have a couple good sentiments for ya----#1 if you don't have anything nice to say...come sit by me. #2 Getting old is just a part of go first! #3 I do my best work on the cusp of insanity! Enjoy!

  98. WOW! Very busy desk this week! Love it. Have fun at your workshop!
    Vickie #148

  99. I was immediately excited to participate when I realized normal people's workspace looks like mine. Like I use it. Not like the folks in where women create. Who are those people!

  100. Have loads of fun at your workshop Julia. I think you are the only one who has commented about my continuing obsession with The Greeting Farm stamps! Do you think I have enough? NEVER!
    Susan xxox #16

  101. A PIF anniversary sound like a great idea...although I won't have time to participate as I'm suppose to be packing and getting ready to move. And yes relaxing and crafting after a long hard day of work is such a nice feeling! Happy be-lated WOYWW! So happy I had time to join in this week! :D

    xx Tracey xx

  102. I dislike paper work but needs to be done!! Like the cute bunny on the card in progress.

  103. Oh, a play date!! I really need one of those? Anybody in the Albany, NY area? Anywhere close?? I feel like I'm in the Siberian Wasteland of Stamping!(No offense to anyone in Siberia: I have one of your dogs! LOL)

  104. Not been over in a while - not been blogging in a while! LOL! Now been released from captivity and am free to roam for a few months!
    Wish I could come over more often as I like this lickle 'show and tell' ! Will make more effort Julia, promise!
    Enjoy your workshop and keep on craftin' Hunni!

  105. Julia, those forms look the biz, I hope they don’t prove too complicated to fill in. At least you get to play once they are out of the way.

    I’m loving the sound of your plans for your second anniversary and would love to be a part of it. What better way to celebrate with what’s become a big crafty family!

    Happy Crafting

  106. Hi Julia - thanks for good wishes re my couple of days with Lin and Leandra - fab as always - but ... adrenelin rush with class with Sir Tim. Got home just before midnight last night but couldn't get to sleep - too much buzzin'

  107. Hope you had a great day at your workshop. Love that PaperArtsy stamp on your desk.
    See you next week.

  108. I love the PIF idea. Not quite sure what to do but I'm getting involved and it sounds like fun. I love seeing that other work desks look like mine. I'm in good company - LOL!

  109. Your workdesk looks so much more interesting than mine!

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Your contribution is a valuable thing - thanks for taking the time!