
Monday 20 December 2010

My days of torch bearing are over and I'm very proud that I had a chance to play with Amber's designs...she and Pam forced me to consider Digi and square up to some of it's challenges. I have a bit, and I will a bit more, actually. What I need now is a really super and completely fool proof printer!

However, for once this post isn't about me, I wanna introduce y'all to the gal to whom I've passed the Amber Ink torch. If you're a WOYWWer, you will at least have visited Jane at one point or another, and if you aren't, well prepare yourselves for a treat. Jane is a super Digi user and (probably - hopefully) because she's 20 years younger than me, she really knows how to do digi. Jane also has an uncanny eye for colour and cheerfulness and is a precision merchant. In short, her cards are everything mine aren't! You can find Jane at Milliesmarvels Please visit her, you won't have wasted a click.


  1. Well done - for a normally non-digi person you did extremely well.

    Toni :o)

  2. IMPRESSIVE - and I love the self portrait :-p !

  3. did great! We LOVED the glitter and non, the baubles, the snowflake cone that Martha S. still needs to hear about, kissing fishes and mistletoe, 7 course meals and you printed off ipaper for crying out loud. Hey lady...those 20 somethins can learn a thing or two from what Melissa called "The Gramma League" HA! BTW...That 20 somethin Jane is pretty amazing! After the holidays you can brew us all up a cup! We'll need it.

  4. I totally agree that if you are going to print digi's, you need a great printer. But you did a marvelous job and you passed the torch quite bravely and aptly, I might add.

    I hope you aren't buried in the snow and you didn't have any plans that include London. I hear you can't get in or out. Paris, either. And here I sit, bone dry and nothing more than cold wind. See you Wednesday, if you aren't buried under the snowdrifts by then.

  5. Hi Julia,
    Hope all is well. I checked in (very late) to add a WOYWW post but I guess I didn't get the memo that you wouldn't be doing it this week. Hope you have a wonderful, safe & warm holiday!

  6. Thanks for your lovely comment... ROTFLOL... I must be really frazzled if I thought it was Weds already! For once, I'm early! *smile*

  7. So much happiness that you let us force you! WE have LOVED having you run with us. xoxo and another x and another o and then x....


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