
Friday 22 October 2010

It's been a week..

As you know from WOYWW, I've been shopkeeper and loved it. What you didn't know was the full SP of where - I didn't want you to think I was being a blatant non-stop gabbling advert. But, if you wanna visit - the shop is call Kraft Crazy and is in Station Road, Tidworth, Hampshire. Closed on Sunday and Monday. I sound like a real shopkeeper don't I? Here's the thing though - if you do visit, please let me know - if you can bear it I'd love the chance to whizz in and meet you.

Here's something else you didn't know. Where've I been all week? Well settle in, there's always a story: Paige taught me two more things about my iphone - one was how to increase the text size at a stroke (literally) and the other was how to blog from it using an App. (That would bring my total number of Apps to 6). And what happens? Blogger informs me that my site is hosting malware. So, frankly in a state of blind panic, I follower Blogger Help to try to sort it. Trouble is see, my browser won't let me into the blog. And Blogger won't let me fix it unless I do it through the blog dashboard. You have no idea how vexing I found this. Well, OK, you probably have. So I got WOYWW done and haven't been able to get in since. Fixed now; with all the free time soaked up reading instructions and visiting help blogs.....oh em gee, I so could never be a geek. So I'm really behind with WOYWW and thought that it would be a great idea to actually utilise my new found iphone powers - aha! browse on the phone when the shop's quiet! YES! Er, NO. Safari on my phone has completely seized up. Been like it since Tuesday night. Am deeply out of love with this thing - it's a replacement phone after some sort of catastrophic failure earlier this year. I had no idea how dependant I'd become on the small percentage of its functions that I actually use and/or understand!

On the bright side - an elderly gentleman strolled carefully into the shop at lunchtime. He stood still, in a large patch of sunshine and waited his turn. He was wearing a very long stripey scarf in lovely bright, cheerful colours, slightly eccentric against his tweed jacket - you know. He had a bit of a look around him and then leaned conspiratorially toward me and said "do you sell sweeties?" . For a few seconds, I really wished I did.


  1. Modern tech is really wonderful...when it works! Hope it's all sorted now and normal service can resume :-)
    A x

  2. The "wonders" of new technology!

  3. Oooh your visitor just put me in mind of Peter Davidson when he played Dr Who!

  4. ah- I was just going to put what Andria said-was he looking for jelly babies! You are super 21stC now blogging with apps!!! Sorry to hear it all came a bit undone though.

  5. and your reply?

    "Sorry Love I am Not For Sale"



  6. lol Doone!! hehe :)
    Sorry to hear about your technical problems Julia. Glad you found some help.xx
    What a 'sweet' story! Have a great weekend. Gez.xx

  7. Aaaargh! That's all I can say about technical difficulties! My only solution to those problems is my husband and thankfully he is so willing to help even up to late at night when my laptop eats my password and I can't get in or a virus makes it stop working!

  8. Hey Julia I was actually born in Tidworth .... I know I must be the only one.
    Hugs Shirley x

  9. Oh no!!! iPhone nightmares!!!!!! I would be lost now without mine!!! hope you can get it sorted out soon Px

  10. Thanks Jules, it's stories like that hubby uses when I whine about me NEEDING an Iphone - he's had the same phone for over 5 years and DOESN'T UNDERSTAND ME - WAAAAAAH.

    Love the story about the elderley gentleman - inspirational - when I'm an old woman I shall wear purple .......

  11. Oh my goodness, do I EVER relate to this!! I LOVE technology, until it tries to get sassy on me, and then it is the stupidest, most crazy-making thing in the universe innit?

    And I would have wanted to give that man sweeties too ....

  12. Doctor Who came to see you???

  13. I'm thinking of getting an iphone, but I have the technical capabilities of a pencil sharpner, but lucky for me the girls at work are all about the phones so they'll be able to help me out.
    I would love to pop into the shop & say hi, but its a bit too far away :(

  14. Hello Sweetie, how much are you please? Priceless, I'm sure!
    It seems like you have a good selection of geriatric eccentrics there in Tidworth!.
    I'd love to pop in too but it's too far for this geriatric eccentric to come to hassle you!!
    Lv JoZarty x

  15. Just turn your iPhone off - you know, properly, by holding down the button on the top until you get asked to slide the bar across the screen.

    Safari does crash occasionally, but it's easily fixable. I LOVE my iPhone ;-)


  16. Your post and some of the comments here gave me a really good laugh - just what I needed. Thank you everyone!

  17. There is SO much of this post that went over my head. Like Doone, I conjured up a similar answer for the old guy. Unlike Doone (and obviously everyone else), I had no idea what a "sweetie" was. Now I assume it's candy of some sort! And we haven't gotten Dr. Who for over two years in the States. The last one was David Tennant.

    Malware? Blogger notified you? Good grief. How in the world did that happen? I don't really want to know, just like rhetorical questions on occasion.

  18. lol I was thinking did you ask if he had a sonic screwdriver to help you sort out the phone lol. So many crafty whovians!

    My phone only has a dialing app lol. Hope all is straightened out for you now.

  19. Hey is Tidmouth full of elegant old gents? I am moving LOL


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