
Friday 10 September 2010

It's all about proportion!

This is my kinda proportion! Miss Dunnit gets a Diet Coke thinking of a nice long glass with a whole bottle full poured over ice; and indeed, that is how it was. Lovely. But just look at my half finished gin and tonic - it's in a goldfish bowl on a stem! Oh my, the thought of that dry and slightly fizzy concoction is making my mouth water - and it's not even lunchtime! Does the photo look as though Diet Coke comes as a clear drink in southern Europe? Would that in any way help my reputationat this point? Too late, I hear you cry. There's no problem with my planned proportion of crafting this weekend. My old mojo is defintely paper focussed. I'm going to bunk off work early and make a horrendous mess on my desk. While Mr D is at work tomorrow morning, I'll whizz round and do essential housework. This is definately a matter of proportion - free time is not for housekeeping. One thing for sure, this weekend will include a gin and tonic, and its size or number will be considered in reasonable proportion to the sort of day we've had. It won't be in a stemmed goldfish bowl. But only because I haven't got one. Have a nice weekend yourself.


  1. I could do with some of those glasses!
    I'm off to the GNPE in Harrogate on Sunday so am looking forward to being inspired and expect my purse to be somewhat lighter on the way home! x

  2. My husband does not know the meaning of proportion when it comes to his Gin and Tonic Julia. It's always in a tall glass, filled with ice but his hand always slips when he measures the Gin out, the glass is almost half full. He will be joining you with a Gin tonight, tomorrow night and Sunday night LOL. I'm afraid I'm tea total, probably because I would be lethal with some of that stuff in my system LOL. Have a lovely weekend Julia, speak to you next week. Tracy Evans x

  3. Where can you buy those glasses from...Oh I know you have shrunk the coke bottle!....Naaaaaaaaaaahh enjoy would say have one for me - but it is so huge you will be out like a light!

  4. That is some glass! May just have to join you in a G&T tonight, slice of lime (much prefer it to lemon - that could start a whole other debate, lol!) Have a great weekend, and don't do TOO much housework!

  5. Oh holiday memories eh - no sooner home than hankering after another jolly; though I don't find it bad coming home now I'm a lady of leisure ;-) Love the snap of the feet and suspect MR D may be right in his assumption that the mum of the 2 boys is a scrapbooker hehe. Gorgeous Christmas card and thanks for the tips about the metallic Stazon - hadn't even heard of it. Love your September page, love the colours
    Anne xx

  6. Send me some of your whizz Julia and include the gin and tonic. By the way -love that card from yesterday and am going to have a go with my Craftwork Cards Graceful Grasses to attempt to produce something similar. Hope you don't mind. Hugs betty

  7. Se now THAT's a galss. Craig has these dinky little glasses when he makes me a G&T and I've guzzled mine before he's even got his bum cheeks in the chair. I keep telling him to just make mine in a pint glass but for some reason he wont. Saves keep getting up to make another I reckon ;)

    Have a fabulous weekend Julia!

  8. What a wonderful concoction for the upcoming weekend! Lol. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I added another card while you weren't looking. Hee hee. Have a nice weekend. "See" you on Weds!

  9. Looks like you had a fun time with that big old glass of gin and tonic. Personally, I would take Miss D's diet coke, but it would be gone a lot sooner than your G & T.

  10. hey - dont worry about a stemmed gold-fish bown - just use THE goldfish bowl!
    have a good weekend!

  11. Enjoy your playtime, Julia and have a brilliant weekend! I'll be hitting the Stella cos I've no class, he, he.

  12. That is one SERIOUS glass you have there. :-) Wouldn't want it with G & T in it though....not my tipple at all. Hope you have a great weekend Julia.
    A x

  13. Now fill it with a nice, full bodied red wine and I'm yer gal, have a loverly weekend and enjoy making your mess:) xx

  14. Cheers!
    Have a great weekend!
    JoZarty x

  15. that is my kind of drink! have a fabulous weekend, hugs Debx

  16. Thats a normal glass in this house :-)


    mandi x

  17. Great, now I have to get dressed and go buy some tonic so I can enjoy a nice G&T. (Don't judge: it's my day off so I'm crafting in my pyjamas!) I'll make some ice too. So much to do!

  18. Now *that* a drink. Life is too short for housework, prioritse it an then scrap instead! That's my view anyhow! Enjoy messing up your desk xx

  19. try this -

    tall thin glass,

    ice cubes so they go one two three stacked in the thin glass - bombay sapphire ( don't care what they say I still prefer it to tanqueray) - poured up to half way - pomegranate juice to the top - lime round the rim really squeeze it tot the rim so you get the smart tang as you glug, glug, glug - slow down for the second, sip the third....

    yee hahah


  20. LOL...after the week I've had at work I could do with one of those fishbowls on a stem but you can keep the gin - make mine a Baileys.

    Toni :o)

  21. Proportions are good, but don't fall in that fish bowl you're drinking out of! Have you seen this??? Lookie who's in there at No7! Looks like you also have a fair proportion of bloggy land too!!


  22. Absolutely, I agree 100% - free time is definitely NOT for housekeeping!

  23. i agree - craft away, little housework as possible. Thank you for the visit to my blog - however I did not understand what you meant = pants trype? thanks.

  24. What a great idea. Tip a whole bottle of gin in, top up with a bit of tonic and a kilo of lemons, and you are set for the weekend, none of that tedious mixing and pouring - just drinking!!
    have a great weekend,
    Enfys x

  25. That glass does a G & T total justice. I have a li8ttle something chilling later for tonight and a bag of ice to go with it.

    I'm planning on using a hi-ball glass for my little something, heh, heh, heh ......

    Enjoy your weekend!

  26. I really see NO problem with the proportions here! I'm not big on gin and tonic, BUT I do own a couple glass near to this size and my red, red wine looks absolutly beautiful in them LOL!
    Have a great week-end!

  27. Sure the girls at wine club could use a glass like that - they are all on diets so wine is out and G&T's are in at present, as for me why waste life dieting your only here a short time enjoy!!!

  28. My husband too, is a member of the weak wristed brigade when it comes to holding the gin bottle upright. Often huge measure find themselves in whatever shaped glass I drink my G&T from... often a chunky little number which looks rather like an ice cube.
    Tanqueray is my fave with a slice of lime, and of course a drop of tonic.

  29. Mmmmmmm G&T, I saw this while I was at work I was gasping! x x


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