
Friday 27 August 2010

Thinking of You this week's Dare over at Daring Cardmakers. It's a charity thing this week too. Joanna, our Darer, would like you to send your card to PostPals (or a similar charity worldwide). But please, not before you've shown us! I've returned to my comfort zone for this - a bit of DP and some lovely stamps, can't beat it! The paper is K & CO, and the stamps are Hero Arts (the text), SU! (the truck) and Magenta (the stars on stalks). I've noticed as I go around the WOYWW desks that people work in incredibly different ways....I thought I might briefly outline my Modus Operandi for this particular card:
1. Push back stuff that you saw on the desk from Wednesday. No point tidying, I'm coming back to it very soon.
2. Rummage on stamp shelves for 'Thinking of You' appropriate stamps. Nothing that strikes as appropriate, but find the truck stamp and decide it would be a nice one to use.
3. Spend aaaaaaggggges rummaging for the SU! stamp that is a pile of love hearts, designed specifically to fit in the back of the truck. Fail miserably and swear a bit when the rummaging causes a stamp collapse of the front row and they have to be rescued from the bin. Who put that there?
4. Decide that love heart idea is a bit girly really, so settle for shooting star idea.
5. Hurrah - use a piece of square white card from scrap box. Stamp truck in black ink and emboss with clear powder. So far, quite quick!
6. Decide that it's better to pick DP before colouring the should inform the other. Hurrah - find huge scrap of cloud paper in pattern scrap box. Cut so size and stick to card front.
7. Trim white card and mount to nice (hurrah) scrap of blue card. Trim to create narrow frame. Put glasses on and trim again.
8. Find another pattern scrap piece and add to the card front, the artsy belief that it will focus the eye in the 'business third' .
9. Use 1mm foam pads to attach the mounted image to the card front. Realise that was a mistake. Peel it off, successfully, for once. Feel like intrepid card maker woman for being so brave.
10. Mask the truck, stamp and emboss the shooting stars. Wrestle to get the foam pads off the back at the top so that I have a surface that's flat to stamp the text on.
11. Replace foam pads and stick the image on the card front. Give up trying to match the blue and settle for silver with some not very good white gel pen highlighting.

So interweb - is that a creative process? I dunno - in writing it's a bit of a shocker....please no-one tell DCM or Postpals!


  1. I'm almost crying, laughing here, Julia - that sounds very much like my way of working, though I throw a lot more ink in there, he, he!! Love it - great description of the creative process ;)

  2. That is just how I work with a good 45mins thrown in trying to find stuff! Thanks for making me smile :-)

  3. Good morning Julia, I have to have my fix now and go straight to your blog because you really make me laugh and thats good for all of us.- Keeps us young!. Well at least you finished the card and it looks great. I always look in my big bin in case something has dropped in, my little one on the desk also occasionally has things that have slid in - pokey tool. Have a good day. Hugs

  4. hahahahaha!!!! brilliant write up Julia!!! Lovely card XXX

  5. always read your blog as others have said you make us laugh which is a good thing, had you magic your way to my dining room sounds like you spied my table, then you find something that you was looking for earlier then forget what your trying to find, only use dining table at xmas and special times, husband said he didnt realize we still had it when it was cleaned of lol

  6. I love this story of stamping. It sounds so familiar.... Hope you rescued all the stamps from the bin - and at least they didn't fall on your foot...
    The card, by the way is lovely.

  7. that sounds just like my card creating process too! What a lovely card and I think you not finding the hearts actually worked out beautifully

  8. Oh babe, you have brightened my very dreary morning lol.
    I loved reading about you creative process :)
    Beautiful card.
    *hugs* Heather x

  9. A great card Julia and why is it we can never find stuff - I've been searching 3 days for my sizzix 12" swirl die and plates they have to be here somewhere lol!!!

    Love Lynda xxx

  10. I like the way you work. Great "tutorial" on how to make a card. I've been looking all over for an image I had last week that I want to use in an upcoming spread. I spent much of yesterday searching high and low for it. As organized as I am, I stuck it somewhere NOT where it should have been. I've nearly given up on finding it, too. Maybe I'll find it by next year at this time (grin). Bet you find your hearts before I find my image.

  11. Great card! Excellent write up! You have described me perfectly! I'm still LOL!

  12. Julia, you never fail to raise a smile - what a fab story and what a fab card as a result of all your hard work. I especially empathise with the "push everything aside to make room" bit at the beginning - it's what I end up doing whatever I'm making

  13. hey - have you been watching me create? It feels very very familiar! Great post.

  14. You're so funny!
    Now I don't feel so alone!

  15. LOLOL - wonderful, I can just visualise you in action Jules! I love the card, and the "flower" srars in the truck together are wonderful:-D

  16. The flowers in the truck are perfect so you obviously weren't meant to find the hearts - tho now you're not looking bet they show up!

    Great post as always - been bit poorly today and reading this cheered me up..thanks Esther xx

  17. you make me laugh everytime! love the card it all hangs so well together, and your process is both informative and manicaly funny, thanks for the sunday morning giggles!

  18. Julia, a picture truly does paint a thousand words! That card must feel very smug knowing that the cyber world understands what it took to look that good!

  19. Hey you make cards just like I do! Oh except you didn't mention any rummaging on the floor.... or is that just me? ~fingers crossed its not~

  20. Hey Julia! I came up with a card for the challenge. You can find it on my blog: Thanks for the inspiration!

  21. The card is fabulous and I did laugh and recognise a few of your stages of make the card. lol


  22. there is always a better or easier way to have done something once you have done it the hard or wrong way - i thought this was called hindsight!!!

    The number of times i've had to really
    s l o w l y peel something off when i've stuck it down prematurely or wrongly... but i don't usually tell! However, i'm pretty sure we're not alone - just watch Nancy Watt on Create and Craft - bless her - she does exactly this almost every live demo - but hey - thats crafting...

    Paula x x x

    p.s. love the card and the concept... I've also heard of postpals before and did have the web address somewhere - thanks for the reminder. xx

  23. Julia, you always make me chuckle with your posts, love the card too.

  24. oh i do love that stamp julia :) i have a stampin up demonstraror coming to my crop in september, hope she has one so i can have a play with it xx

  25. This is SO funny but sadly true for me too! it takes for ever! but all part of the fun of finding stuff you forgot you had and lots of ideas flow from that rummage (must remember to write them down next time ha ha)

    Love Dawn xx

  26. I love this one. I've got the sentiment and the truck should be arriving any day! Your version is brill.
    I've been slightly out of action this last week as daughter and granddaughter were here for a week and potty training was commenced for said granddaughter! What fun!


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