
Saturday 24 April 2010

Oh what a beautiful day

Now just cast your eyes over these home-made pretties. Lunch Lady Jan made them, she plans to sell them for small amounts of money at her school fete and then a couple of local craft shows - aren't they just about the most cheerful bags you ever saw? I know the little ones are 'dolly' bags and little girls will love them - but wouldn't you just love to go to work with your summer time lunch in one?

And there's PE bags of course, and there's proper totes too. See, yesterday, when some of you expressed a wish to see the bags, you didn't think I'd deliver quite so efficiently, huh! *Cough* Thanks, Jan for the very prompt email!
So now you see where my logic over the pegs comes in - surely a painted, sanded and vaguely decorated peg will be the clincher in terms of style and purchase decisions! I know I'm delusional, but look at Jan - she's got pink string for hanging them on - I'm in good company, non?!


  1. These bags are gorgeous and very colorful. I see you have relatively clear skys, a good sign considering what is going on in your part of the world.

  2. lol! i'm with you on the pegs :D

    those bags are LUSH!!!

  3. Oh so pretty! How lovely to see them outside fluttering in the breeze! I can see the pegs are going to go with them beautifully! I love making bags too! They are simple to make ..don't take up too much time and having a pretty bag is an essential of life!

  4. Oh yes, I want one! i'm still carrying all my gear in my baby changing bag, and my 'baby' is nearly 3 and well out of nappies. But. it was VERY expensive, so I feel I need to get maximum use out of it

  5. Oh wow ...those bags are wonderful ...espwcially the last two ...I quite fancy one of those .... I think they will go down very well at all the fete's and shows. I am not sure you need to decorate the pegs ,if they are for display only ...but the distressed white paint will look fantastic on the pink line.

  6. I love thoe totes especially, lovely colours. I take it all back about the pegs! Mind you, if I tried to make a bag like that it would fall apart immediately, given my lack of sewing skills. Enjoy the gorgeous weather.

  7. Oh I just love your little dolly bags. My granddaughter who is 6 would just love one to put her little bits and pieces in. Kathleen x

  8. How lovely of you to show them to us Julia! Talk about lookie but dont touch!! lol!

    Super makes and the totes are just so 'I want one'!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Keryn x

  9. I want one! I don't want pegs tho ... sorry Julia sweetie but you know me well enough to guess that I don't hang washing ... even if the pegs are adorably painted ... I tumble dry everything :0) I want a little spotty one for my summer lunch ... how cooooool would that be!

  10. These are just gorgeous Julia, thanks for letting us see them. I actually think your painted pegs will be the perfect touch for these (especially if you can use the pink string too!)

  11. Love the shopping size bags. Does she do private orders??

  12. They are gorgeous! Absolutely beautiful :) I love the little ones in the top picture.

  13. My wee Jude would LOVE one of those bags!! They are all gorgeous...I wish I could sew!lol

  14. Ooo nice bags! How lovely to have them pegged out in the sunshine - even without decorated pegs! xx

  15. I love the dragonfly one!!!'baggsy it!!!

  16. Oh, they're lovely, I want them all.

  17. Hi Julia, have only just found your blog, its fandabidosy! Love your makes, these bags are gorgeous! Dragonfly's are my fav's, so think that will have to be the one for me, lol!

    I will be joining in on Wed with the WOYWD, love your blog so much have become a follower, so I will be back, thanks for the inspiration!

    hugs Heidi xxx

  18. Fab bags - lots of hard work gone into those!

  19. Ooh thanks for showing them Julia :) fabby cheery bags ;)
    Anne xx

  20. Those bags are works of fabric art - gorgeous - well done lunch lady Jan. I am also impressed at the use of pink string - above and beyond the call of friendship duty, I now know why the decorated pegs are the perfect added touch.

    Just think - you will be getting bulk orders for your decorated pegs next... (*ducks and runs for cover*)

  21. They are F.A.B!
    I think I'd like to have lunch with Jan!
    I feel a purchase coming on!
    Like Linda, I don't hang washing, but your pegs would enhance the merchandise no end!


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