
Tuesday 6 April 2010

Co-ordination? I think not!

Nine of us sat down to eat at the same time on Easter Sunday, thanks to the skills of my dear Mama.
And that was the only part of Easter Sunday that co-ordinated. Outfits were not considered for their photo suitability when selected and certainly my wishes for a colour theme weren't taken in to account at all. Sigh. I think it may need slightly more controlling than a simple request. I may well turn up at the next family gathering with a bag full of the same t shirts in a variety of sizes. That would work. And after this weekend, the youngsters think I can't become any more deranged, so it wouldn't matter, huh!
Hey ho. Part of the pleasure is in the planning. Apparently.
Co-ordination may well be a running theme at my desk this week. Trying to co-ordinate available craft time with bouts of inspiration to produce worthwhile stuff would be nice. The onset of spring has gone to my head and I've agreed to 'do' a couple of craft fair type things with Lunch Lady Jan. She's gone all sewy and clever and wants me to add some cards to her gingham and folksy table top. I said I would because June seemed a long way away. You guessed it. On top of other stuff, and given the appalling lack of anything having been done at my workdesk in the last week, June seems terribly near somehow. I know, as priorities go, it's not life changing - after all, by then we'll have had a General Election and we could all be facing very big changes. But a deadline is a deadline, and although they inspire panic in me, they are also well, inspiring. So am off to mark up the to-do list, my diary and my phone calendar. With that sort of co-ordination, what could possibly go wrong?


  1. Love your spring card. Good luck with the organising :-)
    A x

  2. love the spring easle card
    I'm sure you have fun, you did take some photos didn't you?

  3. If the other dinner guests aren't scrappers... they just don't get it Julia!! I always tell people what colour they have to wear if they come for Christmas... I hate having all these jarring colours to try and match into an album!! LOL Lovely card... will figure out how to make the standy up bit one day...

  4. Welcome Spring indeed! I love this little number... I needed a little reminder what season it is, as I've just left the turning leaves of autumn in New Zealand.
    Still a little jet lagged, but trying to get going!

  5. Lovey card Julia. I know the feeling when it comes to clothing, if it doesn't have sleeves and isn't made of sweatshirt material then my DD doesn't want to know. I'm hoping Jake is better he seems to have caught some fashion bug since going to 'big' school :-), its his birthday this week so he's been out and bought a tshirt, new daps and a belt to wear to the cinema and a request has come in for some more hair gel!!

    As for craft fairs, each year I say this is the one where I will make enough cards!!!!!
    Hugs Pam x

  6. I love your Spring card ... it makes me feel all springy :0)
    You can see why that photographer chappie does everybody nekked now ... scrapping and coordination :0)

  7. oohh this is just such a lovely spring card :)

  8. Hehehe. Oh yes please take a bag of clothes next time :) Families eh, you can't rely on them Julia! Lovely fresh spring card :)
    BTW I'll let you into a little secret - when I describe what I've done on a project that's only how it finally turned out IYKWIM! I don't bother going into all the thngs that didn't work intially as it would be a very very long post indeed! In fact most of my posts would be the same LOL. I do sometimes 'fess up to what's gone wrong. I feel now I should put a little rider (spelling?) on the post to that effect as I really don't want to give the impression that I have a plan when I start and it all goes swimmingly from start to finish! All I'll say is it took many hours to complete the canvas - far too many.
    Anne xx

  9. Lovely card - very springish indeed! I had a laugh at your comment, that you don't know what DP is ! Designer paper! I had to research that and about 100 other abbreviations people in Blogland and cardmaking use (DP,MS, CB, CEE...etc.)! It is becoming a nightmare! Ha, ha...

  10. Love the card, such pretty colour's and just the weather to make everyone feel like spring today

    Kelly x

  11. I hate to think what will happen when my kids leave home and I just have to accept what they turn up wearing in future... in the meantime there is always B&W, or even Photoshop to put my darling son in pink :)

  12. Lovely card - like the graphic edging, did you doodle it?

  13. How terribly inconsiderate of your family Julia - the least they could have done was bring a few changes of wardrobe with them for you to choose from for them... or they could have done something suitable on the colourwheel for you - rellies eh????

    Anroad, cards a nice un... like the doodling and the green of it. still, you've got more mojo than me....

    Paula x x x

  14. Oh good luck with the creating under pressure! This card is fab so you're off to a good start. It's very funky and coordinated with your blog!! xx

  15. Me again... there's an award for you on my blog!

  16. I have trouble just co-ordinating just Trav and I, so trying for the whole family would give me fits, well done for having a go at it though. have yout thought about using Black and White photos?

  17. Now I know I'm not a scrapper! Colour co-ordinating people for photos???? Oh well, it takes all sorts!!! See you later (my desk has gone up early today, so will need to come back to link it later on)

  18. Oooooh, organising and deadlines .... part of every day life for some ..... *sigh*

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