
Thursday 11 March 2010

And the day flew by...

I'm sure at Oh My Gosh o'clock this morning that the list of things I had to do was beginning to get the better of me. So when I remembered that I'd booked a play date with The Colonial, I knew the right thing to do was cancel. She knows all about being flexible, she'll be the first to understand. So while me and Miss Dunnit are doing the finely tuned both-getting-seperate-breakfasts-in-a-tiny-kitchen dance, we discuss our plans. She very sagely advised me not to cancel. She said it would make me grumpy and feel cheated. She said I would be energised and feel like really tackling afresh the list of undones. Oh my. I know some of her advice was born out of self preservation, but she was right that sweet chil' o' mine.
Me and The Colonial we had coffee, chatted and laughed and all the while worked on a canvas to give each other. At the Make It! show a couple weeks ago we had each bought a Prima Iron On transfer - for each other. And the canvasses were the plan. I really enjoyed my day. Except the Iron On part........the instructions say allow 15 seconds. Well, I allowed about 15 minutes and still ripped the damn thing. Ah well. Probably because it was canvas and not a flexible t shirt! Won't stop me buying another though, am pleased with it nonetheless. I kept my canvas relatively minimal - I didn't want another unfinished work on my desk; I wanted the Colonial to have something fresh and painty smelling to hide in her loo - today! We did break for a cream tea lunch (something we'd also promised ourselves) and then we did a show and tell. And of course, after she'd left, I dashed around a bit and started the catch-up. Miss Dunnit was right. I feel cheered, I love the canvas, enjoyed the day and am feeling slightly more inclined to have another stab at those darn invitations. Promise you'll stop me if I threaten to cancel!
So, credits: to Prima Inc and ippiti for the stamp I used. Other images are painted or letter stickers.


  1. Those are both fab, which one did you make and which have you kept? I need to know because you made me nosey ha ha ha ha!!! xxx

  2. Love the canvasses Julia :) Miss Dunnit was right.
    Anne xx

  3. Yjese are both fab - I'd be happy to jang either of them in my loo!

    Too busy to join in with the woyww yesterday and I really missed it boohoo

  4. That should have bee "These" - my typos are legendary

  5. Both are gorgeous canvases... I bet I can guess which one you took home :P

  6. Fabby canvasses :)sounds like you have a very wise DD. :) I'm still waiting for mine to crack open her Thorntons! :(

  7. cute canvasses! and the kids are always right :)

  8. Those canvases look great fun ...were you the turquoise one? It was good advice your DD gave you ...cynical I may be but I think it was for her sake she gave it lol

  9. Reat canvasses. Sounds an interesting technique to master. The cream tea lunch appealed to me too!

  10. Oops my G dropped off those Great canvasses!!!


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