
Monday 1 February 2010

Puttin' it behind us..

Apart from a birthday or two, January 2010 has been exceptional for wrong reasons and I'm more than happy to remove the page from my board! So, welcome to over exposed and badly lit February! You can see that I don't exactly seem busy in terms of plans - maybe this will be the month of clearing and sorting then. Ha! I only say that because over the weekend, Mr Dunnit has been rummaging in The Room Of Shame - the spare room, filled with bits of furniture and toys that Miss Dunnit eschewed in favour of the new look bedroom. The stuff I've been threatening to sort out since then, you know. Well turns out that I might very well be in the mood. Is that the effect of waking up to a new month? I don't know. It could be related to the two magnificent full moons that shone on Friday and Saturday nights; or maybe it was the movies. We went to see 'It's Complicated'. It was fun, light, cheery and as usual, la Streep was marvellous, totally comfortable acting her age. Gotta admire that. Shocking to see Steve Martin in post plastic surgery mode. Ow. Why do they do that? And really, if it wasn't surgery - change it back! I digress - the house which was the major location for this movie made me swoon. So maybe I have deluded myself into thinking that clearing The Room of Shame will turn my house into a sea facing, low slung, neutral haven in Santa Barbara. Sure. Oh, definitely blame the full moon!


  1. Cant wait to 'see' you sorting and organising :-)
    You know a very organised person if you need help. Actually I think I am a bit OCD but I do know I couldn't do what I do if I couldn't always put my hand on what I need so I HAVE to be organised. Also if I didn't keep my sewing roon tidy my customers wouldn't want to come back :-)Have fun.
    A x

  2. I loved the moon first thing Saturday morning ... stunning and you could see Mars too ... well I could at 7am ... did n't know it was Mars until Richard Madeley told me tho'. My room of shame needs doing too ... we could have a little challenge you know with before and after piccies .... but if anyone saw my before .... well I would simply die of shame. No cinema for me at the weekend but I did watch Ms. Streep in Doubt ... OMG she was spell binding ... Ok ... I shall leave you in peace now I have rambled away ... do you know this is the only place in the blogosphere that something takes over and I just feel compelled to natter :0)

  3. Julie - I can see a new feature - COYSRF - Clean Out Your Spare Room February!!! Before and after pics would be most welcome.

    The mooOOOoon (imagine wolf howl) was lovely at the weekend and looked MASSIVE! Probably why I was in a funny mood (Not) tee hee

    Paula x x x

  4. Driving home from Hastings saturday night was so pretty and well LIT going round those twisty dark country lanes. It was gorgeous!

    There is never a good excuse for housework - definitely blame full moon madness ;)

  5. I have a garage of shame that is ear-marked for some attention - in the sumemr mind!! I love getting organized and having a good clear out!

  6. Morning Julia! I am ROFL over that "Room of Shame" label - I'm sure many of us can relate, whether we want to admit it or not! (Remember that scene from Friends when we learned that neat-nik Monica had the "Closet of Shame"? That may have been my favorite moment in the series!)

    I have a brand spanking new calendar I need to START this month. It's huge - I've just had so much catching up to do I haven't even pulled it out of its shiny plastic wrapper! And now - well, I got crafty last week and crafty means green acres is starting to look like a landfill again! Oh well, another day or so to get that mess in check!

    Have a great day!

    Ramona :-)

    P.S. I started a Links Section on my blog called Beautiful Spaces that you might want to check out - I should post this Wed for the WOYWW crew. As I have time I'll be adding sites that contain both beautifully organized crafting rooms and organizational tips for making them that way! I just added one that has 28 or 29 challenges on them which is why it's on my mind! Anyway, a GREAT resource if you want some inspiration (something I am ALWAYS in need of!)

  7. Oh I definately think the full moon had a lot to answer for, I have started my room of shame. Be prepared for Wednesday as you can actually see my desk (but not the floor).
    I think you need to schedule crafting in to make it look like you're busy xx

  8. haha...CLOYSRF....great idea. See what you may have started sissy, along with 'rooms of shame' gotta love that expression, oh and must go check out beautiful spaces with Ramona. hmmmm - rooms of shame / beautiful spaces !!!!

  9. See there's no note for Friday...such a special day...Hint hint!!! February is a brillliant month!
    Re the 'room'clearing...yep the whole house needs it...perhapes next month!!



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