
Friday 1 January 2010

Bang! And the year is gone..

And here we are. Like it or not, in 2010. Good grief. It dawned bright and cold here, this new day, new month, new year. It isn't without a frisson of excitement is it, the beginning of a New Year, with all the fresh starts, clean slates, and new beginnings on offer. If you can underpin all of that with the security blanket of loving family, friends and a warm roof over your head, then looking forward isn't so scary.
It's the resolutions that scare me. I won't commit to changing myself or my habits any more, I just end up whipping myself and feeling vile when I can't manage it. I am what I am. But perversely, in the spirit of the clean slate, I am going to try some different methods around here - most of them based either in the laundry section of my life (like - keep up with the ironing) or in my workroom (like, sort out the scraps so they aren't controlling you!). Nothing major, but hopefully achievable. Of course, it knocks a couple of whinges off my list of things to blog about, so I think that might be a positive!
I'm not going to get into a huge discussion about 2010 being the beginning of a new decade or not; frankly the years roll around way too quickly for me to want to consider them in bigger chunks. But I will say this to anyone who produces chipboards, stickers or other consumable alphabets or number sets....we scrapbookers of the world would love it if you'd include 2 sets of zero in each number set. Otherwise we have to use an O, or worse, doctor a Q. Can only do that so many times. Think of people like Mrs Precision who would die if she had to have mismatched numbers. Likewise, look forward a little and think about 2011....count them - two ones.
OK, and here's the sentimental bit for one day only: I have loved blogging over the last year, the reaction and commentary far exceeded any expectation of er, internet pleasure (am I allowed to write that?). Thank you a kerjillion times for visiting, reading, commenting. Even the person that bothered to email me a couple times to tell me to stop blogging - believe me, the fun of counting your expletives per sentence was worth the shock! Didn't stop me either, huh!
I visit loads of blogs as entertainment and I comment as much as I can...just like you really. So please keep doing it this year's all about validation I think. And that's a whole other post! Happy New Year.


  1. Happy New Year, Hun. Fab new background and love the calendar LO.

  2. Happy New Year Julia! So the 'fresh starts, clean slates and new beginnings' started off with a new background, eh? I like it.
    Looking forward to more moans in 2010! ;)

  3. Love the new background... thought I had come to the wrong blog for a minute!! Happy New Year!

  4. Thank you a kerjillion times for writing such wonderful blog posts ... that are always worth a visit!
    May you and yours have a wonderful year hun X

  5. Hi there - Happy 2010 to you too. THanks for your comments "at my place" and TRUST me - there are indeed things I cannon master - or perhaps trust my DH who would mention cleaning, dusting and keeping my scraproom tidy as top of the "Not to do list". =0) I keep telling him creative clutter is not a mess but a collection - but he is x-military and not able to understand stuff like that - but he's still a keeper....

  6. Oh, I've got to change my banner from a Christmas one but not just now, have been on here long enough today! Like you Julia I don't make resolutions but there are a couple of things I'm going to try my best to achieve this year one of them being to have a go at some of the recipes I've collected over the years but never used - well only one or two. And some of them I've had over 20 years LOL. The plan is to try one a week but I'll probably forget to do that anyway unless I actually leave them out in full view, but even then things like that become like part of the furniture you know it's there but don't really take notice ;)
    Best wishes for the new year :)
    Anne xx

  7. Like the look of the new blog. I can't believe some told you to stop blogging how rude, they don't have to visit! I enjoy your blog now I have found you - keep on blogging
    healthy and happy 2010 to you and yours

  8. Love the new look Julia, Happy New Year!! Hugs Jo x

  9. Happy New Year to you. I'm certain you have introduced many bloggers by bringing us all together on a Wednesday so don't you ever stop blogging Julia. We love you :-)
    A x

  10. And a wonderful New Year to you and yours too, hun :)

    Don't you even dare think about not blogging whilst you can fit it in with your busy life - bleeping cheek of that person, obviously bitten by the green-eyed monster - I enjoy my regular chuckle to selfishly ask this of you!

    And, good gravy, talking of biting, what with Christmas sneaking up and biting ME on the bum when I wasn't ready and New Year doing the same, I hadn't even given a thought to (albeit usually relatively short term!) resolutions...


  11. Happy new year. Love the calender.

  12. Gorgeous January Julia :D I've missed LOADS of your posts while I've been zonked. I'll have a read in a mo!

    Happy New Year :)


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