
Wednesday 18 November 2009

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday

If you visited earlier this week, you'll know that I was in a state of panic and shame. Panic over finishing up my share of the card samples for the Card marathon and shame at the state of my desk. OK, the whole workroom, but the desk is the pertinent part of today, after all. And it keeps my shame and guilt in proportion too! The blue tidy tray is actually next to the space that I was working on..the ribbon reel on the right is balanced on a square pot of embossing powder which in turn is standing on two to which is the basket in which I am supposed to put the used stamps. Naturally, there's all the tape peelings and as usual, the wooden card holder is under employed in favour of the old 'push back' system. You know the one - instead of clearing up, you just keep pushing everything back until there's room to make a bit more mess. Out of sight on the left is a pile of papers - some used, some pulled out and not used but added to the pile, and a couple of acrylic boxes with gems and stuff in..all in a towering pile of potential spillage disaster.

But yesterday, when Teresa and I were putting the world to rights, I tidied - I even put away the bits of paper. I found the beads as you know. I put away 14 ink pads, 4 pairs of scissors and six pots of embossing powder. The dirty stamps are in the basket and after some gentle playing last night, my desk looks like this right now: The little yellow pot has just received a generous coating of diamond glaze. It's one that Miss Dunnit made at Primary School and has been on the kitchen window sill all those years. Which is a site of another potential mess problem I can tell you. In this house, if you don't quite know what to do with something - the odd Euro, screw, biro, peg, blah blah, stick it on the kitchen window sill. And leave it there for years. Anyway, the little coil pot, painted with my favourite colour has been used and abused and in a purge of window sill-o-bilia yesterday, I realised it needs preserving. So I did what I could. There's a red one in use elsewhere in the house and the DG has worked a treat, so am quite pleased again, that my craft materials have saved the day!
There's a bit of foil that still has chocolate in it - top left. But that's because during the messy period, the scissor sharpener fell over and hid it. Don't worry, I'll deal with it before the coffee cools. There's the seasonal bag of snowflakes waiting to be turned into I don't know what, and as you can see, I'm playing with a Christmas tree stamp. Which is today's plan - apart from cutting and counting for tomorrow's workshop.

Come on then, show us your work desk/space/surface. Don't be, upload and link to it in the comments here. If you want to, grab the button from the left margin for your blog. It's nonsense, it's light hearted and it means nothing, but it's very interesting. Feeds my nosey person perfectly!


  1. I hope you've rectified the chocolate situation now? I have a goblet made by Devon on my desk that is used like your yellow pot, good odea with the preserving.

    What a difference between the two desks :D

    I'm here

  2. Have just WOYWWed
    Love your desk this week ...makes me feel not quite so bad but I just could not bring myself to show the whole actual mess on mine. Had to nod and smile though,over your kichen window sill ...mine too, only the cats kick bits off if I dont leave a small clear area lol.

    2 more weeks and it will be 6 months since this all started ...and its still going strong.

  3. I like the before and after shots, your desk looks very organised today! Can I have a piece of your chocolate??? :-) My desk is here!
    Have a nice Wednesday!
    Weather is horrid here, I have an evening of cosy crafting ahead when work is finished the dinner has been eaten and the dog has been walked. Roll on 7pm!

  4. Your desk looks incredibly tidy today!!! Mine is SUCH A TIP after mammoth crafting yesterday!!!

    Take a look here

  5. Hi there! Wednesday again! This week I have been BUSY! See here as to why!
    Think I need chocolate on my desk - must made a space for it!
    Keep well

  6. So glad i am not the only one that "push tidies" so i can carry on. lol.
    and why on earth is there choc left? go on you need it after all that tiding up lol

  7. Love the contrast in the photos - you made a good job of tidying - but how long will it stay like that? I haven't actually done any crafting yet today and I did sort of clear up last night's mess, but I'm now sorting all my Christmas stuff - you can see what's on my workspace here x

  8. Just had to leave a comment to congratulate you on the 'after' piccy. What a brilliant job you must have done on the tidying!
    I think we all have the kitchen windowsill saga, wonder why it's only that one?
    Hope you've had your chocolate now, you SO deserve it lol

  9. It's difficult not to make a mess when you're in full swing unless, well for most of us anyway. I have to admit my desk doesn't get anywhere near as bad as the kitchen table used to I think it's 'cos it's easier to put things away while I'm sitting at the desk. I did think when I got the desk that I would be able to have my guillotine to hand and actually cut things on the desk but there's not enough room so I have to use it on the kitchen table!
    Anne x

  10. Oh wow nice and tidy now aren't you(I need chocolate on my desk too I must put it on my "to get" list !! he he) I did have chocolate cake on my desk earlier as I made a cake for British bake week last week and it was so nice I thought bugger the diet and made another one this week !!! lol.
    Right enough calorie talk, you and your chocolate are a bad influence on me !! lol as if I need encouragement!! here's my desk, I'm off to check out the other girls desks
    Hugs Susie

  11. Good grief Julia, you have uneaten choc?! That's against the law I think you'll find.

    I love the choas of the first desk photo, and I have been known to dabble in the 'push back' approach.

    My desk is very sad today, I can only apologise and hope to do better next week. xx

  12. My workdesk piccy is up - how do I ever find anything???? lol!

  13. As ever you have a busy space for your crafting :-) I'm late starting today due to being rather unwell but will be uploading my WOYWW soon. A x :-) Watch this space......

  14. It does my heart good to come here and see that I'm not the only one who finds creating chaos easy. Sadly, looking at the second picture I see that you're way better than I at whipping it all under control!

    I have WOTWWed

  15. Even though I've been off work all day! I am only just getting around to posting!!! were does the day go? You're all nice and tidy!!!! look at that lovely desk ;) now how long will it stay like that I wonder??? So Although I had a day crafting with a friend I also had some bad news today on the job front :( never mind chin up it will all come out in the wash :)

  16. Love both photos, I have everyting arond me when I craft, and yes it does get opushed to the back of the desk, never know if i might need those little bits.
    Love the cute yellow pot, well done miss Dunnit, and handy to store your crafting pens in.
    just posted my space
    Here is my entry.

  17. You asked about my ATG tape gun - I've just put a review on my blog x

  18. What uneaten chocolate never heard of in my house the kids can smell it through walls heres my desk! . Pam x

  19. you certainly look as though you've been busy!! Here is my very messy desk!

  20. my desk often looks like your before shot! The bigger my desk, the more room I have to make mess!

  21. Love the 'before' and 'after' shots of your desk.The snowflakes and the Christmas tree stamp look promising. Will have to wait to see what you make with them.
    Here's my desk this week:

  22. Julia, thanks for popping over to my blog, you asked about the syringe, Pinflare Glue gel, I love it great for decoupge or just as a plain glue, does not smell and does not go off in the syringe, stays fresh for 6 weeks, but i always refill before then because i use it up

  23. You have saved yourself a visit by my tardiness ... Had I seen the chocolate earlier ... much earlier probably ... I would have been round and insisted you share ... I have been craving chocolate for most of the day ... course there is none to be found when you want it ... I had to purge on jelly tots instead ... now I feel quite sick and am unable to travel. Sorry I have n't visited much this week ... and was absent in your hour of panic ... but I am back now and have joined ... the ever increasing WOYWWers again :0)


  24. Ahhhh Julia, if you could see more closely you'd know that the red Queue is the only one with labels - and that they are all on the wrong colours anyway. I think I got bored in the middle of sticking them on. Very low boredom threshold, moi!

  25. Trying again.
    I keep getting locked out of blogland, I'm having trouble with my password, I've had to change it. Then I couldn't get those ridiculous letters right.
    Anyway, enough moaning from me. Here's my desk:
    Julia, is that the Mexican Christmas tree I see?

  26. The desk looks fantastic hun, just enough to be productive :)

    I will do my desk, but it will be in the morning as I have been a dirty stop out since Thursday but I will be having an at hone day tomorrow ;)

  27. bit late joining in didnt get a chance yesterday. :) xx

  28. I have many places in my house like your the work desk, and well done on finding the cutting mat lol :)

  29. wow Julia that's one rather busy work desk :o) Cant wait to participate in the woywdw next year I will actually have a home and a desk to work on rather than working on the floor


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