
Thursday 12 November 2009


..housekeeping that is..I don't want any one on this world wide interweb thingy to have a thought in their heads about anything related to maternity and me when they see the word overdue. Just to clear that up. It reflects badly on me that I've been passed a couple of fab awards recently and haven't made time to deal with the details...they always require revelations see, and I think I spout more than enough about me on here as it is!

At the beginning of the month, Ginny shared the colourful Making Smiles On Faces Award with me - a huge irony really. The pay off for that is I have to tell you five things about myself, but any minute, you're going to get a bonus - 35 things about me! This because the marvellous Jo and then Jane passed me the 'Your Blog is Over The Top' award which requires me to stuff socks in my mouth and sit on my hands and bite on bullets and eat tripe to stop me using more than one word per answer. I can do it. But I might have to do another post explaining, justifying, enlarging and quantifying each answer!

1. Where is your cell phone? desk

2. Your hair? middle-aged

3. Your mother? Sainted

4. Your father? Well

5. Your favorite food? loads

6. Your dream last night? ridiculous

7. Your favorite drink? Gin and Tonic

8. Your dream/goal? world peace

9. What room are you in? work-room

10. Your hobby? craft

11. Your fear? loneliness

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? here

13. Where were you last night? here

14. Something that you aren't? quiet

15. Muffins? nah

16. Wish list item? nothing

17. Where did you grow up? worldwide

18. Last thing you did? phoned a friend

19. What are you wearing? black

20. Your TV? Off

21. Your Pets? dead

22. Friends? incredible

23. Your life? charmed

24. Your mood? fighting

25. Missing Someone? yes

26. Vehicle? Yaris

27. Something you’re not wearing? hat

28. Your favorite store? Paperchase, silly

29. Your favorite colour? yellow

30. When was the last time you laughed? today

31. Last time you cried? today

32. Your best friend? One?

33. One place that I go to over and over? home

34. Facebook? Reluctantly

35. Favorite place to eat? out

OK, so it turns out I can't do it all in one word, but what the hell, today of all days I'm here to remind you that we live but once and this small stuff musn't make you sweat! I must say that I quite like the idea of my blog being Over The ridiculous. Someone just slap me when I start to take myself so seriously, huh! Actually, now! - my blog posts have just exceeded 200 for goodness sake, and to celebrate I'm sending Angie a RAK. Because I can. On account of that charmed life I have. I really, really do.
Oh, I should add that this award is to be passed on.....will do that tomorrow.


  1. Am I in the right place? How posh is this? Could you retire on the money you get from Google ads? ... I have always wondered that!

  2. Fab fab fab. What a hoot. Just love it. Not an easy thing to do in just one word. Something we should all try. :-) A x

  3. Loving the new look bloggy blog :D Great answers and yes they are very intriguing too so definitly another post is needed for the waffle.

    Congrats on the 200 posts!

  4. One question answers - brilliant, funny, and SO Jules! Well done on the awards, but fee free to waffle any time, heh, heh.

  5. hey sissy, time i surfaced here i am..been lurking but hey... can't keep quiet for ever? Love the blog on being an army brat. Feel the same way. x

  6. pml at answer one word!!! lol

    and to answer your ? the bottle was hand sanitiser...not til after I looked close up to realise...I shoulda put away the contents of the drawer I emptied BEFORE I took the

  7. So sorry Julia, but I have left an award on my blog for you......never mind the H/W it will keep, LOL. Hugs Avril xxxx

  8. LOL, I knew you wouldn't do it in one word!

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