
Friday 9 October 2009

Oh you!

I know that to get comments on a blog, you've got to write about something vaguely worth the effort; but it can be a trial, leaving a comment - I can't tell you how much I appreciate it when my 'Google Account' allows me to comment and then makes me click 3 dozen times and go through 2 sets of word verification so that I can leave the comment. Enhances my blog reading experience no end! And I know how much time gets sucked up by this blopping lark. Take heart though. At least it means you aren't frittering your life away on a cartoon farm over at Facebook. (It's MY opinion on this blog, OK?)
So to get to the point - thank you for the comments. Yesterday, after the workshop, I read your contributions to the conversation and laughed till I cried. Loads of reasons (read them, they're priceless) - Carmen thinking I'd made a really teeny card (she's forgotten the fat-finger syndrome I 'suffer' from), Bethan reminding me that she doesn't know good humour from bad - and Linda of course, worrying that she'll offend YOU by calling ME a lazy tart! Well, obviously I'm not offended, I'd be more upset to hear that you didn't have any opinion of me!
And you see, to prove the lazy point, I'm not posting a picture today. And to prove the tart point? Well, Mr Dunnit may well be in an internet cafe nursing a litre of cold beer whilst reading this, so let's just say I'm spending the evening with a girlfriend, on the town. (Miss Dunnit, at the cinema, but it's not very tarty that, is it?) Ok Mr D, you can stop spraying beer over the screen now.


  1. Tart? Is that Apple or Rhubarb? :-) Have a great weekend. A x

  2. LOl, thanks for this, made my day x

  3. Who needs pictures when you can write like that! Have a great weekend!

  4. Hehe Julia this is so funny, what made me laugh even more is that my husband fritters his life away on that very cartoon farm you mentioned and i am continuously trying to remind him that its not a real farm and that if he misses a day of feeding the animals and havesting his crops that its not a matter of life or death lol. xxx

  5. Just realized that ...although I read your last post, I got side tracked and didn't comment ... so easily side tracted nowadays. Love the cards and at first glance I too thought it was a tiny card !!! I tut every time my ever growing derriere has to leave the comfy chair pad grab or un earth bits ... but it does stop my knees seizing lol
    I have to say I agree with you all the way on most things and I too used to love my guilotine but now I can 'think' in the slide/rotary type IYSWIM .... but it took time to reprogramme the few grey cells I have.

  6. Ohh that Farmville bugs me!!!! I had a go but couldn't be bothered. Like you I would rather be blog hopping than farming!!!

    I got your email about the card marathon. Just a quick question is it all stamped cards and are they for a begginer as I am crap at stamping? Have a fab weekend xxx

  7. You make me laugh Julia. Had my glasses on yesterday so could see it was an acetate card (unlike some!). Very funny comments though.
    You couldn't label me a lazy tart - I have to keep getting up to get things I need from my cupboard next door! (Being honest, I am lazy really coz I'll adapt what I'm making rather than go and fish through all my boxes to find something)

  8. I had my glasses on too! What does that say about me?? :D :D

    I know what you mean - I see all these updates about farming and all that. Can't be harsed. I tried the vampire game for a while - gave up on that too. Now I just stalk peoples blogs and spout rubbish in their comments ;) ;)

    What are you going to see? There's a few on at the mo I want to go see :P

  9. thanks for always making me smile....I HATE word verification too :0p

  10. Julia, your blog always makes me laugh, thanks for taking the time to keep writing.

  11. Never mind the FB farm - check out the Island - just listening to the sound of the waves relaxes me! LOL - the phrase get a life comes to mind and I know I'll get bored in a few weeks but its still a novelty at the moment! Whatever floats your boat right? And mine's floating to the island!


Your contribution is a valuable thing - thanks for taking the time!