
Friday 28 August 2009

Now don't get all Christmas on me..

I'm showing you these stunning(!) christmas cards from my 3 year old archive because I haven't done a thing since Wednesday that involves paper, crafting or blogging. Yesterday required a quick trip to school to pick up Miss Dunnit's GCSE results, a pre-arranged coffee and lunch for us both at the boyfriend's home for discussion, celebration, whatever. Lunch turned into afternoon turned into evening and celebration - the weather, the results, the company, the teenagers, the food; everything was marvellous. Truly, the day was not marred by unexpected results (although there were some) and not marred by some anxious discussions (although there were some); more, we were bouyed up by the positive results and the sheer awesome possibility of everything for the kids. It was amazing. Forgive me the indulgence, you don't need a bucket, I'm going to move on in a minute!
Miss Dunnit has well, 'Dunnit' and her best is good enough; she's achieved the grades she needs for her next huge, giant exciting leap. Next week she'll be a college student! Good grief - I know how it happened, but really, how did it happen? Particularly as I can still hear myself telling her that the lack of revision at home had better be because she was exhasuted from revision at school! Oh Lord. She hasn't stuck two fingers up at me yet, but she could so easily!
So today I have to really force myself to focus: the house is bugging me - everything needs to be done - I think I've got end of holiday malaise mixed with an early dose of new-broom september! So today will be a doing day. Then, just as soon as the last chore is done, I'm going to turn my back on it all and actually do some of the crafting I've been typing about for over a week! Hallelujah, a plan!


  1. Please congratulate miss Dunnitt, and wish her luck as she starts College.
    Lady Nurse

  2. Well done Miss Dunnitt! And good luck to her at college.
    The best years of their lives, not that they ever believe us!

  3. well done to your daughter Julia-we've just been through similar here, bthankfully my son got what n=he needed to start at Uni in Septmeber!

  4. Congratulations Miss Dunnitt and well done Mrs Dunnitt I believe this is your success too X

  5. I'm so glad for miss dunnit ... achieving what she needed of college is so important and the waiting to know is the worst bit.

    If you have been virtuous and cleaned etc,you deserve a day or two to craft without interuption ...mind you, I only do a tiny job and feel I should have fun crafting or doing FH for a day lol

  6. where does the time go?...have a fab time Miss D...

    and did I answer ur PITA question? Pain In The A

  7. Well Done Miss Dunnit! Why is it that is seems only the parents that are having the eebie jeebies beforehand and the kids just smug?! Another well earned milestone down and lots of best wishes and on to the next one.

    And you are absolutely right - no, DON'T get all Christmas on me!


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