
Thursday 30 July 2009

The follow on

The scientific and accurate Dunnit survey confirms what sensible, level-headed people think. That being a 'Follower' is convenient. It helps you check out new posts on blogs you like. Simple as that. For those of us that have a blog with 'Followers' - one or one million, it's a teeny thrill to see the number go up. This teeny thrill is always reported with huge modesty (have a look at comments for yesterday's post) - we appear happy and grateful that other people want to read our nonsense - and I for one certainly am grateful not to be alone out here on the world wide interweb thingy. There was a little discussion about this with Miss Dunnit and her sleepover gals yesterday. (Average age 16, remember, so very on the edge!). They think that having your avatar show as a Follower on certain sites and blogs can do your credibility some damage. (Oh Lord, thanks for not making me a 21st century teenager!) I, of course, take the predictable opposing view (and not just because I'm the Mother). That's nonsense. But I realise that Blogger allows a Private Follower too, so to a certain extent, they must concur with this. The girls also say (but not in this long winded way) that you should regularly review your Follower status and remove yourself as a Follower to punish bad blogging or opinions that you don't agree with. I think that's a load of rubbish too. I read a lot of Blogs whose published opinions are radically opposed to mine, but I find the potential for debate and the provocation of the grey matter really stimulating. I have only once removed myself as a Follower from one blog, because I was led to understand that the Blog's writer took my following to be a sort of 'stalking' rather than the compliment that I consider it. Ironically, and rather obviously, I still visit that blog. Taking the time to comment on a blog is another generous gesture if you ask me. But the rewards are huge, huh - back to that Circle of Friends again. So that's where I stand on the Follower thingy - I know it's different on Twitter and Facebook, which is really what sparked yesterday's debate - the girls were 'awarding' their friendship/following, and it got me thinking if anyone would admit to that on Blogger. Perhaps, because I'm as shallow as a puddle, it hadn't occured to me that I could use this as some sort of tool or weapon. But just to ensure 'my numbers' stay up - the card is for you if you Follow this blog - really, I think you're awesome!


  1. Lovely card and you have decorated, very pretty indeedy!! I think kids have a different point of view... they are all into Facebook and having as many friends (complete strangers in the most part) as possible... which is one of the reasons I cancelled my membership... couldn't be doing with loads of people I had never heard of wanting to be my friend... but I love my blog.. its different, its controllable to a degree and I love my followers (I am always amazed that peeps would want to, but I can't argue with their taste)!!! LOL and it is easy to see updates if you use it properly.

  2. How funny! I too am very glad not to be a teenager today - it's all very complicated! I would never have thought about following like that - I too see it as a compliment, and I've never removed myself as a follower from anywhere (and I can't imagine why someone would see you being a follower as a form of stalking - why put yourself out there with a blog, if you don't want people to read it?).

    Your post got me thinking - the other thing I look at is my rating on the crafyblogs widget that we all seem to have. I don't see it as a competition to get to the top, rather as a barometer of how good a blogger I have been. If the numbers get lower than a sort of average (which for me, seems to be about 200), then I see it as a sign that I need to do some more blogging. It stops me getting stale - and I do hate it when blogs I like to visit haven't updated in a while. So I suppose I kind of keep an eye on that as well.

    Ooo, this is all making me sound very self obsessed about my blog - I don't take it all that seriously, I promise!

  3. Punish your followers LOL - we're back to that minions/disciples thing aren't we? I love getting a kids viewpoint, totally amazing... did they leave you standing there open mouthed like mine frequently do? ;)

    I have a couple of friends on Facebook who have near on 600 friends and I have about 40. And most of them are scrappy friends. It does seem to be a competition to see who is most popular. Daft innit.

    I love your card. I'm off to look at the rest of yesterdays comments now.

  4. Great card! I often look at your blog but dont always comment if my reply is the same as everyone elses IYKWIM!I do enjoy reading your blog as you always have something intresting to I have become one of your followers!!x

  5. I loved this post and it got me thinking too mainly about what a bad blogger I have become in the last few months. I always check on my blog how many followers I have and feel quite guilty that they want to read what I have to say and yet I treat them to a small snippet once a week if they are lucky so in a sence I am doing the reverse of blogging making everyone wait, which I have to say I hate waiting for others to update. I go through the blogs I follow from time to time and change them if I haven't read the posts for a while or they aren't blogging anymore. Great post thanks for making me think. xx

  6. Great post. LOL at punishing bloggers. Seems that life is just a popularity contest if you're a teenager. Well, I say teenager, I also know people on facebook with hundreds of "friends". I find myself rejecting facebook requests as I refuse to be part of people collecting. If I know you then hey, come on in, but I find it amazing when people who have never even spoken to you send you a request.

    This is why I love blogger. I love that people comment and follow and find it a huge compliment. For me it's nice to know that people enjoy my photo's and crafting. BIG UP BLOGGER! LOL

  7. I need to update my blog to get the followers thing. I'm too scared to press the button though!

  8. Great card. LOL to punishing bad bloggers (10 lashes for me I think)I love watching my follower numbers go up too, its a great feeling knowing people actually like what I do. I've also tagged you on my blog hun.

  9. I love your posts and follow so that I don't miss them as I think do most folk. Young people have such a different view of the world don't they, I'm so glad I've grown up (or at least think I have). I agree totally with your previous comments that it's lovely to see that little follower counter go up when you sign in and you get a little thrill that someone is actually liking what you do. I also love reading peoples comments and feel it's like making lots of new friends.


  10. Ooh am I a rule breaker? :P

  11. I think you must have started something with the last few posts :) all of a sudden i noticed the follower numbers are going up!!! and Up! I sometime think It's a shame not everyone has this gadget as there are more than a few blogs I would love to follow but they don't have the button to click :( however I do link them into my live feed :)
    I also don't get the need to have hundreds of friendss on FB that you don't know (unless of course they are crafts :)

  12. OOOOp's Sorry that should have read crafters

  13. I am so glad I'm not a teenager ... or a young Mum for that matter as both seem to have it hard. One we have to continually tell what they shouldn't do, the other... what they should do. I wish I was younger but not that young. I love blogging and do not want any bad spin on it. DD is trying to get me into facebook but I'm not convinced ...yet
    ps Love the card xx

  14. fab card as always, just realised I have been a fan for ages but not a follower...dont worry boss, I rectified the situation ;0)

  15. This card is lovely!!!
    I am like you! get that thrill when I get a new follower, or even a comment! I think that the follower thingy is great to allow you to stay in touch andto not forget where was that blog you stambled on and loved! Like you said, it is like having a circle of friends!

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