
Thursday 5 February 2009

Ahem..unaccustommed as I am....

My friend and UKS teamie Caryn has a fabulous blog and is one of my 'encouragers' in this world of interweb and technological crafting. So encouraging in fact, that she's awarded this blogspot a Lemonade Award - a gee up for sharing the craft ideas and stuff.

Thanks so much Caryn - sometimes I post a (bad, always bad) picture and wonder how much detail to go into about the how and the who; I figure none of you will be afraid to ask if I miss some detail you'd like to know!

Also, in the best awards tradition, I wanna take this chance to say how fab it is to get your comments, I know dear interweb, how big and how time consuming this blog reading habit is, so I really appreciate every last contact. And if it takes me a few days to respond, please remember that sometimes, in my excitement, I forget how to work the buttons!

Now because crafting and talking needs more than one, this award is to be shared, and here are my nominees: I agree with Caryn here - as I read about a kerjillion blogs daily, picking 5 is hard!
Now these 5 lovelies all share ideas and stories like mad, and somehow manage to motivate me - to at least ask myself why I get so little done whilst these women are powering through their lives! I've given URLs because I don't know some of them well enough to link to them by name - ashamed to say that I often just lurk on their fab sites. I'll probably make myself known a little more from now, huh!


  1. wow what a surprise to get on here and see my name on the top of the list (blush)...Thank you Julia it is MUCH appreciated :0) name is

  2. Wow - thank you so much Julia! How lovely to think you've been popping over and have now owned've only just added the followers gadget so that hasn't helped people...It's really lovely to know I inspire in some way....I shall pop this on my blog later - thank you so much for thinking of me...Sally-Ann...xx

  3. Thanks! It´s an honour to be in your list. *Big grin*

  4. Julia, Julia, Julia, you 'dunnit' again! I'm ashamed to say that I haven't been on your blog for quite sometime, nor have I posted to my own for about a week. I just now found your comment and went directly to your blog to 'visit'! How you make me smile. And, I'm honored that you've added my blog to your list of favorites, but if you hadn't, the queen would've had you beheaded. Losing one's head is never comfy....
    BTW, I LOVED your Asian card for its simple elegance. Thought it was beautifully made!! I'm so glad I can see what you're up to via your blog. Huggers. Queenie


Your contribution is a valuable thing - thanks for taking the time!