
Tuesday 20 January 2009


I have been surgically enhanced. I've put up with the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome in my left hand for a ridiculous number of years because after I had my right hand fixed, I realised it was quite inconvenient to be 10 days or so without driving, showering and blah blah. But as you know world wide interweb, things always 'go public' and my inability to use my left hand much was starting to be obvious. And stupid. So this morning at a silly hour, I went to the Day Surgery and was enhanced. Really, it is an enhancement, because despite the post surgery discomfort, I can already tell that the procedure has worked, and that is an enhancement...a working hand and possibly even the opportunity to stop trying to train myself to sleep in a stupid position on the wrong side of the bed! Thank You's were said of course, but I would like to add a big up to the NHS - not the system per se, but the staff - at the point of delivery, they are friendly, fun, painstaking, thoughtful and committed. Pay rises all round please, Gordon.
The cup cake card shown above is a large 'topper' type embellishment for use on card or scrapbook page - they are painted with Pearl-Ex paints; the interference colours (which are bright and colourful at light catching angles) - they don't photograph well! Anyway, this project is one that I'm presenting at a day of mini workshops at Japonica, a special craft shop in Exmouth. Customers will do four 75 minute workshops during the course of the day, each featuring paper crafts and different techniques. Obviously, because it's my project, and I'm not well known for complicated stuff, this project is stamping! It's on March 23rd; you can get more details from the shop on 01395 271739.


  1. Hey Jules - great to see you blogging already after your "hand job" (snigger) and that the surgery went well. I was thinking of you today hun.

    I love your cupcake card. I love anything with cupcakes on - yum!

  2. Glad to here you're recovering Dear Friend. Don't overdo the typing now!
    Fab card BTW.


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